Phylogenetic diversity of sediment bacteria from the deep Northeastern Pacific Ocean: a comparison with the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea

TitlePhylogenetic diversity of sediment bacteria from the deep Northeastern Pacific Ocean: a comparison with the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsKouridaki, I, Polymenakou, PN, Tselepides, A, Mandalakis, M, Jr., KLSmith
Date Publishedsep
Type of ArticleArticle
KeywordsHOV Alvin (Human Occupied Vehicle)

The variability of bacterial community composition and diversity was studied by comparative analysis of five 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from deep-sea sediments (water column depth: 4000 m) of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This is the first comparison of the bacterial communities living in these deep-sea ecosystems. The estimated chlorophyll a, organic carbon, and C/N ratio provided evidence of significant differences in the trophic state of the sediments between the Northeastern Pacific Ocean and the much warmer Eastern Mediterranean Sea. A diverse range of 16S rRNA gene phylotypes was found in the sediments of both regions. These were represented by 11 different taxonomic groups, with Gammaproteobacteria predominating in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean sediments and Acidobacteria in the Eastern Mediterranean microbial community. In addition, several 16S rRNA gene phylotypes only distantly related to any of the previously identified sequences (non-affiliated rRNA genes) represented a significant fraction of the total sequences. The potential diversity at the two sites differs but remains largely unexplored and remains of continuing scientific interest. {\{}[{\}}Int Microbiol 2010; 13(3):143-150]
