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J. M. Auzende, Ishibashi, J., Beaudoin, Y., Charlou, J. L., Delteil, J., Donval, J. P., Fouquet, Y., Gouillou, J. P., Ildefonse, B., Kimura, H., Nishio, Y., Radford-Knoery, J., and Ruellan, E., The eastern and western tips of Manus Basin (Papua, New Guinea) explored by submersible: MANAUTE cruise, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série II, Mécanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre, vol. 331, pp. 119–126, 2000.
J. M. Auzende and Urabe, T., Submersible exploration of an active hydrothermal site on North Fiji Basin Ridge, in Pacific Rim Congress 90 : An International Congress on the Geology, Structure, Mineralisation, Economics and Feasibility of Mining Development in the Pacific Rim, vol. 3, Parkville, Vic., Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1990, pp. 313–316.
J. M. Auzende, Ceuleneer, G., Cornen, G., Juteau, T., Lagabrielle, Y., Lensch, G., Mével, C., Nicolas, A., Prichard, H., Ribeiro, A., Ruellan, E., and Vanney, J. R., Intraoceanic tectonism in the Gorringe Bank: observations by submersible, in Ophiolites and oceanic lithosphere, vol. 13, I. G. Gass, Ed. Boston, Mass.: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1984, pp. 113–120.
Y. Lagabrielle and Auzende, J. M., Active in situ disaggregation of oceanic crust and mantle on Gorringe Bank: analogy with ophiolitic massives, Nature, vol. 297, pp. 490–493, 1982.
L. Pastouret, Auffret, G. A., Auzende, J. M., Beuzart, P., Dubois, P., Seguret, M., Sigal, J., and Vanney, J. R., Geologie du canyon Shamrock, marge Armoricaine (Atlantique du N.E.), in Processus geodynamiques observes en submersible: Geodynamic processes observed from a submersible: Seminaire du 2 avril 1982, J. R. Vanney, Ed. Paris, France: Institut Oceanographique, 1982, pp. 683–710.
G. A. Auffret, Auzende, J. M., Gennesseaux, M., Monti, S., Pastouret, L., Pautot, G., and Vanney, J. R., Recent mass wasting processes on the Provencal margin (western Mediterranean), in Marine slides and other mass movements, S. E. Saxov, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1982, pp. 53–58.