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J. M. Edmond, Measures, C., Mangum, B., Grant, B., Sclater, F. R., Collier, R., Hudson, A., Gordon, L. I., and Corliss, J. B., On the formation of metal-rich deposits at ridge crests, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 46, pp. 19–30, 1979.
J. F. Grassle, Berg, C. J., Childress, J. J., Hessler, R. R., Jannasch, H. W., Karl, D. M., Lutz, R. A., Mickel, T. J., Rhoads, D. C., Sanders, H. L., Smith, K. L., Somero, G. N., Turner, R. D., Tuttle, J. H., Walsh, P. J., and Williams, A. J., Galapagos '79: Initial findings of a deep-sea biological quest, Oceanus, vol. 22, pp. 2–10, 1979.
K. Crane, The Galapagos Rift at 86 degrees W: Morphological wave forms: Evidence for a propagating rift, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 84, pp. 6011–6018, 1979.
K. K. Turekian, Cochran, J. K., and Nozaki, Y., Growth rate of a clam from the Galapagos Rise hot spring field using natural radionuclide ratios, Nature, vol. 280, pp. 385–387, 1979.
D. L. Williams, Green, K., van Andel, T. H., Von Herzen, R. P., Dymond, J. R., and Crane, K., The hydrothermal mounds of the Galapagos Rift: Observations with DSRV Alvin and detailed heat flow studies, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 84, pp. 7467–7484, 1979.
J. Francheteau, Needham, H. D., Choukroune, P., Juteau, T., Seguret, M., Ballard, R. D., Fox, P. J., Normark, W., Carranza, A., Cordoba, D., Guerrero, J., Rangin, C., Bougault, H., Cambon, P., and Hekinian, R., Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise, Nature, vol. 277, pp. 523–528, 1979.
J. Francheteau, Needham, H. D., Choukroune, P., Juteau, T., Seguret, M., Ballard, R. D., Fox, P. J., Normark, W., Carranza, A., Cordoba, D., Guerrero, J., Rangin, C., Bougault, H., Cambon, P., and Hekinian, R., Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise, Nature, vol. 277, pp. 523–528, 1979.
J. Francheteau, Needham, H. D., Choukroune, P., Juteau, T., Seguret, M., Ballard, R. D., Fox, P. J., Normark, W., Carranza, A., Cordoba, D., Guerrero, J., Rangin, C., Bougault, H., Cambon, P., and Hekinian, R., Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise, Nature, vol. 277, pp. 523–528, 1979.
J. Francheteau, Needham, H. D., Choukroune, P., Juteau, T., Seguret, M., Ballard, R. D., Fox, P. J., Normark, W., Carranza, A., Cordoba, D., Guerrero, J., Rangin, C., Bougault, H., Cambon, P., and Hekinian, R., Massive deep-sea sulphide ore deposits discovered on the East Pacific Rise, Nature, vol. 277, pp. 523–528, 1979.
J. M. Edmond, Measures, C., McDuff, R. E., Chan, L. H., Collier, R., Grant, B., Gordon, L. I., and Corless, J. B., Ridge crest hydrothermal activity and the balances of the major and minor elements in the ocean: The Galapagos data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 46, pp. 1–18, 1979.
J. M. Edmond, Measures, C., McDuff, R. E., Chan, L. H., Collier, R., Grant, B., Gordon, L. I., and Corless, J. B., Ridge crest hydrothermal activity and the balances of the major and minor elements in the ocean: The Galapagos data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 46, pp. 1–18, 1979.
J. M. Edmond, Measures, C., McDuff, R. E., Chan, L. H., Collier, R., Grant, B., Gordon, L. I., and Corless, J. B., Ridge crest hydrothermal activity and the balances of the major and minor elements in the ocean: The Galapagos data, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 46, pp. 1–18, 1979.
J. Edmond, Corliss, J., and Gordon, L. I., Ridge crest-hydrothermal metamorphism at the Galapagos spreading center and reverse weathering, in Deep Drilling Results in the Atlantic Ocean: Ocean Crust, M. Talwani, Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1979, pp. 383–390.
W. Schlager and Chermak, A., Sediment facies of platform-basin transaction, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, in Geology of Continental Slopes, L. J. Doyle, Ed. Tulsa, Okla.: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1979, pp. 193–208.
P. Polloni, Haedrich, R., Rowe, G., and Clifford, C. H., The size-depth relationship in deep ocean animals, Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie, vol. 64, pp. 39–46, 1979.
J. B. Corliss, Gordon, L. I., and Edmond, J. M., Some implications of heat/mass ratios in Galapagos Rift hydrothermal fluids for models of sea water-rock interaction and the formation of oceanic crust, in Deep Drilling Results in the Atlantic Ocean: Ocean Crust, M. Talwani, Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1979, pp. 391–402.
J. B. Corliss, Dymond, J., Gordon, L. I., Edmond, J. M., Von Herzen, R. P., Ballard, R. D., Green, K., Williams, D., Bainbridge, A., Crane, K., and van Andel, T. H., Submarine thermal springs on the Galapagos Rift, Science, vol. 203, pp. 1073–1083, 1979.
J. B. Corliss, Dymond, J., Gordon, L. I., Edmond, J. M., Von Herzen, R. P., Ballard, R. D., Green, K., Williams, D., Bainbridge, A., Crane, K., and van Andel, T. H., Submarine thermal springs on the Galapagos Rift, Science, vol. 203, pp. 1073–1083, 1979.
W. B. F. Ryan, Cita, M. B., Miller, E. L., Hanselman, D., Nesteroff, W. D., Hacker, B., and Nibbelink, M., Bedrock geology in New England submarine canyons, Oceanologica Acta, vol. 1, pp. 233–254, 1978.
K. K. Turekian, Cochran, J. K., and DeMaster, D. J., Bioturbation in deep-sea deposits: Rates and consequences, Oceanus, vol. 21, pp. 34–41, 1978.
W. J. Jenkins, Edmond, J. M., and Corliss, J. B., Excess 3He and 4He in Galapagos submarine hydrothermal waters, Nature, vol. 272, pp. 156–158, 1978.
W. B. F. Ryan, Miller, E., Cita, M. B., Hanselman, D., Nesteroff, W. D., and Nibbelink, M., Geologic history of Georges Bank as determined by submersible exploration of submarine canyons, in Proceedings - Offshore Technology Conference, Dallas, TX: Offshore Technology Conference, 1978, pp. 1859–1868.
G. T. Rowe and Clifford, C. H., Sediment data from short cores taken in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, vol. 78-46. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1978, p. 58.
D. A. Cacchione, Rowe, G. T., and Malahoff, A., Submersible investigation of outer Hudson Submarine Canyon, in Sedimentation in Submarine Canyons, Fans, and Trenches, D. J. Stanley, Ed. Stroudsburg, Penn.: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1978, pp. 42–50.
G. T. Rowe, Haedrich, R. L., Polloni, P. T., and Clifford, C. H., Epifaunal megabenthos in DWD 106, in Baseline Report of Environmental Conditions in Deepwater Dumpsite 106, vol. 2, Rockville, Md.: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Survey, 1977, pp. 459–464.
