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S. A. Little, Stolzenbach, K. D., and Grassle, J. F., Tidal current effects on temperature measurements in diffuse hydrothermal flow: Guaymas Basin, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 15, pp. 1491–1494, 1988.
J. F. Grassle, Temporal adaptations in sibling species of Capitella, in Ecology of Marine Benthos, B. C. Coull, Ed. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1977, pp. 177–189.
J. F. Grassle and Petrecca, R. F., Soft-Sediment hydrothermal vent communities of Escanaba Trough, in Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California, J. L. Morton, Ed. Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1994, pp. 327–335.
J. F. Grassle, Slow recolonisation of deep-sea sediment, Nature, vol. 265, pp. 618–619, 1977.
R. D. Ballard and Grassle, J. F., Return to oases of the deep, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 156, pp. 680–705, 1979.
W. Smith, Grassle, J. F., and Kravitz, D., Measures of diversity with unbiased estimates, in Ecological Diversity in Theory and Practice, J. F. Grassle, Ed. Fairland, Md.: International Co-operative Publishing House, 1979, pp. 177–191.
W. Smith, Grassle, J. F., and Kravitz, D., Measures of diversity with unbiased estimates, in Ecological Diversity in Theory and Practice, J. F. Grassle, Ed. Fairland, Md.: International Co-operative Publishing House, 1979, pp. 177–191.
J. F. Grassle, Life histories and genetic variation in marine invertebrates, in Marine Organisms: Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution, B. Battaglia, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1978, pp. 347–364.
J. F. Grassle, Introduction to the biology of hydrothermal vents, in Hydrothermal processes at seafloor spreading centers, P. A. Rona, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1983, pp. 671–682.
J. F. Grassle, In situ studies of deep-sea communities, in Advanced Concepts in Ocean Measurements for Marine Biology, F. P. Diemer, Ed. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1980, pp. 321–332.