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“Size matters at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: different diversity and habitat fidelity patterns of meio- and macrofauna”, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 520, pp. 57–66, 2015.
, “Depth-dependent gene flow in Gulf of Mexico cold seep Lamellibrachia tubeworms (Annelida, Siboglinidae)”, HYDROBIOLOGIA, vol. 736, pp. 139–154, 2014.
, “Spatial patterns of tissue stable isotope contents give insight into the nutritional sources for seep communities on the Gulf of Mexico lower slope”, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 498, pp. 133–U481, 2014.
, “Symbiont-driven sulfur crystal formation in a thiotrophic symbiosis from deep-sea hydrocarbon seeps”, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS, vol. 6, pp. 364–372, 2014.