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“Geology of Great Abaco submarine canyon (Blake Plateau): observations from the research submersible Alvin”, Marine Geology, vol. 48, pp. 239–257, 1982.
, “Reconnaissance in DSRV Alvin of a fluvial-like meander system in Wilmington Canyon and slump features in south Wilmington Canyon”, Geology, vol. 10, pp. 31–36, 1982.
, “Reconnaissance in DSRV Alvin of a fluvial-like meander system in Wilmington Canyon and slump features in South Wilmington Canyon”, in Environmental Geologic Studies on the United States Mid- and North Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Area 1980-1982: Volume I, Executive Summary, Reston, Va.: U.S. Geological Survey, 1983, pp. 16–19.
, “NOAA's national undersea research program”, in Oceans '86 Conference Record, vol. 5, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1986, pp. 1447–1451.
, “Petrologic and foraminiferal evidence for active downslope transport in Wilmington Canyon”, Marine Geology, vol. 69, pp. 207–218, 1986.