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“The use of single column iron chromatography to measure the concentratrions of the major ions in invertebrate body fluids”, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A, Comparative Physiology, vol. 98, pp. 97–100, 1991.
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“Unmixing mid-ocean ridge basalts with EXTENDED QMODEL”, Tectonophysics, vol. 165, pp. 1–19, 1989.
, “Underwater canyons”, Popular Science, vol. 231, p. 60(7), 1987.
, “Uniformity and diversity in the composition of mineralizing fluids from hydrothermal vents on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 92, pp. 11,311–327,333, 1987.
, “Uptake and transport of sulfide in marine invertebrates”, in Comparative Physiology: Life in Water and on Land, New York: Springer, 1987, pp. 231–238.
, “The U-Th-Pb systematics in hot springs on the East Pacific Rise at 21 degrees N and Guaymas Basin”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 50, pp. 2467–2479, 1986.
, “Utilization of shallow-water seagrass detritus by Caribbean deep-sea macrofauna: delta super(13)C evidence”, Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 32, pp. 201–214, 1985.
, “Unusual nutrition of the Pompeii worm Alvinella pompejana (polychaetous annelid) from a hydrothermal vent environment: SEM, TEM, 13C and 15N evidence”, Marine Biology, vol. 75, pp. 201–205, 1983.
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