Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
S. Lerner, Data monitoring, access, and analysis systems for the M.V. Derbyshire survey, 1997, in OCC '98 proceedings: the Marine Technology Society Annual Conference; Ocean Community Conference '98, November 16-19 1998, Baltimore Convention Center., vol. 2, Washington, D.C.: Marine Technology Society, 1998, pp. 1109–1113.
M. F. Bowen and Peters, D. B., A deep sea docking station for ODYSSEY class autonomous underwater vehicles, vol. 98-11. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1998, p. 71.
L. M. L. Lauerman and Kaufmann, R. S., Deep-sea epibenthic echinoderms and a temporally varying food supply: results from a one year time series in the N.E. Pacific, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 817–842, 1998.
R. A. Lutz, Desbruyeres, D., Shank, T. M., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., A deep-sea hydrothermal vent community dominated by Stauromedusae, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 329–334, 1998.
K. L. Smith, Baldwin, R. J., Glatts, R. C., Kaufmann, R. S., and Fisher, E. C., Detrital aggregates on the sea floor: chemical composition and aerobic decomposition rates at a time-series station in the abyssal N.E. Pacific, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 843–880, 1998.
R. M. Lawrence, Karson, J. A., and Hurst, S. D., Dike orientations, fault-block rotations, and the construction of slow spreading oceanic crust at 22 degrees 40' N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 103, pp. 663–676, 1998.
S. L. Kim and Mullineaux, L. S., Distribution and near-bottom transport of larvae and other plankton at hydrothermal vents, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 423–440, 1998.
D. Prieur, Diversity of thermophilic micro-organisms at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, in Third European marine science and technology conference, Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998: conference proceedings, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998, p. 22.
D. Thistle and Levin, L. A., The effect of experimentally increased near-bottom flow on metazoan meifauna at a deep-sea site, with comparison data on macrofauna, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 45, pp. 625–638, 1998.
J. A. Karson, Fault rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24 degrees N, in Fault-Related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas, A. W. Snoke, Ed. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 194–197.
W. R. Buck, Delaney, P. T., Karson, J. A., and Lagabrielle, L., Faulting and magmatism at mid-ocean ridges. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1998.
K. L. Von Damm, Bray, A. M., Buttermore, L. G., and Oosting, S. E., The geochemical controls on vent fluids from the Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 160, pp. 521–536, 1998.
M. Schlueter, Linke, P., and Suess, E., Geochemistry of a sealed deep-sea borehole on the Cascadia margin, Marine Geology, vol. 148, pp. 9–20, 1998.
D. Curewitz and Karson, J. A., Geological consequences of dike intrusion at mid-ocean ridge spreading centers, in Faulting and Magmatism at Mid-Ocean Ridges, W. R. Buck, Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 1998, pp. 117–136.
A. Maruyama, Urabe, T., Ishibashi, J., Feely, R., and Baker, E. T., Global hydrothermal primary production rate estimated from the southern East Pacific Rise, Cahiers de Biologie Marine, vol. 39, pp. 249–252, 1998.
L. Nasdala, Gordaite [Zn4Na(OH)6(SO4)Cl·6H2O]: Second occurrence in the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and new data, American Mineralogist, vol. 83, pp. 1111–1116, 1998.
W. W. Chadwick and Embley, R. W., Graben formation associated with recent dike intrusions and volcanic eruptions on the mid-ocean ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 103, pp. 9807–9825, 1998.
D. Thistle, Harpacticoid copepod diversity at two physically reworked sites in the deep sea, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 13–24, 1998.
G. J. Kurras, Edwards, M. H., and Fornari, D. J., High-resoluion bathymetry of the East Pacific Rise axial summit trough 9 degrees 49'-51'N: a compilation of Alvin scanning sonar and altimetry data from 1991-1995, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 25, pp. 1209–1212, 1998.
M. K. Tivey, How to build a black smoker chimney, Oceanus, vol. 41, pp. 22–26, 1998.
D. R. Calder, Hydroid diversity and species composition along a gradient from shallow waters to deep sea around Bermuda, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 45, pp. 1843–1860, 1998.
C. G. Wheat, McManus, J., Dymond, J., Collier, R., and Whiticar, M., Hydrothermal fluid circulation through the sediment of Crater Lake, Oregon: pore water and heat flow constraints, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 103, pp. 9931–9944, 1998.
S. R. Baron, Hydrothermal vent precipitates: A study of temporal and geographic variations in black smoker particles and chimneys from 9-10 degrees north, East Pacific Rise, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1998.
J. Howland, Imagery collection and mosaicking, Derbyshire survey 1997, in OCC '98 proceedings: the Marine Technology Society Annual Conference; Ocean Community Conference '98, November 16-19 1998, Baltimore Convention Center., vol. 2, Washington, D.C.: Marine Technology Society, 1998, pp. 1104–1108.
C. Vetriani, Maeder, D. L., Tolliday, N., Klump, H. H., Yip, K. S. P., Rice, D. W., and Robb, F. T., Improving enzyme thermostability: The Thermococcus litoralis glutamate dehydrogenase model, in New developments in marine biotechnology, Y. Le Gal, Ed. New York: Plenum Press, 1998, pp. 221–225.
