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L. A. Levin, Mendoza, G. F., Gonzalez, J. P., Thurber, A. R., and Cordes, E. E., Diversity of bathyal macrofauna on the northeastern Pacific margin: the influence of methane seeps and oxygen minimum zones, Marine Ecology, vol. 31, pp. 94–110, 2010.
L. A. Levin, Etter, R. J., Rex, M. A., Gooday, A. J., Smith, C. R., Pineda, J., Stuart, C. T., Hessler, R. R., and Pawson, D., Environmental influences on regional deep-sea species diversity, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, vol. 32, pp. 51–93, 2001.
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L. A. Levin, Orphan, V. J., Rouse, G. W., Rathburn, A. E., Ussler, W., Cook, G. S., Goffredi, S. K., Perez, E. M., Waren, A., Grupe, B. M., Chadwick, G., and Strickrott, B., A hydrothermal seep on the Costa Rica margin: middle ground in a continuum of reducing ecosystems, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 279. pp. 2580–2588, 2012.
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L. A. Levin, Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G. F., Growney, V. A., Tryon, M. D., Brown, K. M., Mahn, C., Gieskes, J. M., and Rathburn, A. E., Spatial heterogeneity of macrofauna at northern California methane seeps: Influence of sulfide concentration and fluid flow, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 265, pp. 123–139, 2003.
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