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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
W. J. Brazelton, Sogin, M. L., and Baross, J. A., Multiple scales of diversification within natural populations of archaea in hydrothermal chimney biofilms, Environmental Microbiology Reports, vol. 2, pp. 236–242, 2010.
I. Perez-Rodriguez, Ricci, J., Voordeckers, J. W., Starovoytov, V., and Vetriani, C., Nautilia nitratireducens sp nov., a thermophilic, anaerobic, chemosynthetic, nitrate-ammonifying bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 60, pp. 1182–1186, 2010.
S. D. Wankel, Joye, S. B., Samarkin, V. A., Shah, S. R., Friederich, G., Melas-Kyriazi, J., and Girguis, P. R., New constraints on methane fluxes and rates of anaerobic methane oxidation in a Gulf of Mexico brine pool via in situ mass spectrometry, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 57, pp. 2022–2029, 2010.
P. W. Sammarco, Porter, S. A., and Cairns, S. D., A new coral species introduced into the Atlantic Ocean - Tubastraea micranthus (Ehrenberg 1834) (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia): An invasive threat?, AQUATIC INVASIONS, vol. 5, pp. 131–140, 2010.
W. W. Chadwick, Embley, R. W., Baker, E. T., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Cashman, K. V., Dziak, R. P., Tunnicliffe, V., Butterfield, D. A., and Tamura, Y., Northwest Rota-1 Seamount, Oceanography, vol. 23, pp. 182–183, 2010.
G. Ferri, Jakuba, M. V., and Yoerger, D. R., A novel trigger-based method for hydrothermal vents prospecting using an autonomous underwater robot, Autonomous Robots, vol. 29, pp. 67–83, 2010.
A. T. Fundis, Soule, S. A., Fornari, D. J., and Perfit, M. R., Paving the seafloor: Volcanic emplacement processes during the 2005-2006 eruptions at the fast spreading East Pacific Rise, 9 degrees 50 ` N, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 11, 2010.
I. Kouridaki, Polymenakou, P. N., Tselepides, A., Mandalakis, M., and Jr., K. L. Smith, Phylogenetic diversity of sediment bacteria from the deep Northeastern Pacific Ocean: a comparison with the deep Eastern Mediterranean Sea, INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 13, pp. 143–150, 2010.
S. M. Hulme, Wheat, C. G., Fryer, P., and Mottl, M. J., Pore water chemistry of the Mariana serpentinite mud volcanoes: A window to the seismogenic zone, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 11, p. Q01X09, 2010.
J. V. Bailey, Raub, T. D., Meckler, A. N., Harrison, B. K., Raub, T. M. D., Green, A. M., and Orphan, V. J., Pseudofossils in relict methane seep carbonates resemble endemic microbial consortia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 285, pp. 131–142, 2010.
M. Walter, Mertens, C., Stober, U., German, C. R., Yoerger, D. R., Sultemfub, J., Rhein, M., Melchert, B., and Baker, E. T., Rapid dispersal of a hydrothermal plume by turbulent mixing, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 57, pp. 931–945, 2010.
P. R. Craddock, Bach, W., Seewald, J. S., Rouxel, O. J., Reeves, E., and Tivey, M. K., Rare earth element abundances in hydrothermal fluids from the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: indicators of sub-seafloor hydrothermal processes in back-arc basins, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 74, pp. 5494–5513, 2010.
O. Garcia-Pineda, MacDonald, I. R., Zimmer, B., Shedd, B., and Roberts, H., Remote-sensing evaluation of geophysical anomaly sites in the outer continental slope, northern Gulf of Mexico, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 57, pp. 1859–1869, 2010.
ROV records deepest explosive eruption on the seafloor, Sea Technology, vol. 51, p. 83, 2010.
M. P. Miglietta, Hourdez, S., Cowart, D. A., Schaeffer, S. W., and Fisher, C. R., Species boundaries of Gulf of Mexico vestimentiferans (Polychaeta, Siboglinidae) inferred from mitochondrial genes, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 57, pp. 1916–1925, 2010.
E. L. Becker, Lee, R. W., Macko, S. A., Faure, B. M., and Fisher, C. R., Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of hydrocarbon-seep bivalves on the Gulf of Mexico lower continental slope, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 57, pp. 1957–1964, 2010.
R. S. Carney, Stable isotope trophic patterns in echinoderm megafauna in close proximity to and remote from Gulf of Mexico lower slope hydrocarbon seeps, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 57, pp. 1965–1971, 2010.
G. C Wheat, Jannasch, H. W., Fisher, A. T., Becker, K., Sharkey, J., and Hulme, S., Subseafloor seawater-basalt-microbe reactions: Continuous sampling of borehole fluids in a ridge flank environment, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 11, 2010.
D. S. Nakata, Syn-eruptive degassing of a single submarine lava flow : constraints on MORB CO2 variability, vesiculation, and eruption dynamics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2010.
R. E. Thresher, Wilson, N. C., MacRae, C. M., and Neil, H., Temperature effects on the calcite skeletal composition of deep-water gorgonians (isididae), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 74, pp. 4655–4670, 2010.
C. L. Waters, Temporal and petrogenetic constraints on volcanic accretionary processes at 9-10 degrees north East Pacific Rise, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2010.
E. E. Davis, LaBonte, A., He, J., Becker, K., and Fisher, A., Thermally stimulated ``runaway\''\} downhole flow in a superhydrostatic ocean crustal borehole: Observations, simulations, and inferences regarding crustal permeability}, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, vol. 115, 2010.
K. M. Kalanetra and Nelson, D. C., Vacuolate-attached filaments: highly productive Ridgeia piscesae epibionts at the Juan de Fuca hydrothermal vents, MARINE BIOLOGY, vol. 157, pp. 791–800, 2010.
