Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
R. D. Ballard and Chiu, T., Bright Shark. New York, N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1992, p. 483.
M. H. Edwards, Smith, M., and Fornari, D. J., CCD camera maps recent volcanic eruption on the East Pacific Rise, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, pp. 329–330, 1992.
J. P. Casanova, Chaetognaths from Alvin dives in the Santa Catalina Basin (California), with description of two new Heterokrohnia species, Journal of Natural History, vol. 26, pp. 663–674, 1992.
H. W. Jannasch, Wirsen, C. O., Molyneaux, S. J., and Langworthy, T. A., Comparative physiological studies on hyperthermophilic Archaea isolated from deep sea hot vents with emphasis on Pyrococcus Strain GB-D, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 58, pp. 3472–3481, 1992.
C. M. McHugh, Ryan, W. B. F., and Hecker, B., Contemporary sedimentary processes in the Monterey Canyon-fan system, Marine Geology, vol. 107, pp. 35–50, 1992.
R. L. Elder, Converting Jason Junior, a small ROV, to fiber optics, in Intervention/ROV '92 conference {&} exposition: a decade of achievement, 1992, vol. San Diego, pp. 479–484.
C. L. Van Dover, Kaartvedt, S., Bollens, S. M., Wiebe, P. H., Martin, J. W., and France, S. C., Deep-sea amphipod swarms, Nature, vol. 358, pp. 25–26, 1992.
C. G. Fox, Chadwick, W. W., and Embley, R. W., Detection of changes in ridge-crest morphology using repeated multibeam sonar surveys, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 97, pp. 11,111–149,162, 1992.
P. A. Rona and Trivett, D. A., Discrete and diffuse heat transfer at ASHES vent field, Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 109, pp. 57–71, 1992.
R. Haymon, Fornari, D. J., Lutz, R., Perfit, M., Macdonald, K., Von Damm, K. L., Lilley, M., Shanks, W. C., Nelson, D., Edwards, M., Kappus, M., Colodner, D., Wright, D., Scherier, D., Black, M., Edmonds, H., Olson, E., and Geiselman, T., Dramatic short-term changes observed during March '92 to April '91 eruption site on the East Pacific Rise crest 9 45-52'N, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
R. S. Chandler, DSV Alvin dive log 1964-92. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1992, p. var.
C. M. Cavanaugh, Wirsen, C. O., and Jannasch, H. W., Evidence for methylotrophic symbionts in a hydrothermal vent mussel (Bivalvia Mytilidae) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 58, pp. 3799–3803, 1992.
C. A. Brunner and Culver, S. J., An example of slump block construction of the continental rise, Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, vol. 37, p. 42, 1992.
R. M. Haymon, From hot lava to tall spires of "burning rocks": Initiation and first-year growth of chimneys at new vents on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 9 degrees 45-52'N, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
F. S. Hover and Yoerger, D. R., Full-scale experiments in open-loop positioning of a deep towfish, in Oceans '92: Mastering the oceans through technology: Proceedings, vol. 2, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1992, pp. 906–911.
S. C. France, Hessler, R. R., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Genetic differentiation between spatially-disjunct populations of the deep-sea, hydrothermal vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris, Marine Biology, vol. 114, pp. 551–559, 1992.
D. C. Nelson, The genus Beggiatoa, in Prokaryotes: A handbook on the biology of bacteria: ecophysiology, isolation, identification, applications, vol. 2nd, A. Balows, Ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 3171–3180.
J. R. Delaney, Robigou, V., McDuff, R. E., and Tivey, M. K., Geology of a vigorous hydrothermal system on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 97, pp. 19,619–663,682, 1992.
P. Radetsky, How did life start? (10 great unanswered questions of science), Discover, vol. 13, pp. 74–80, 1992.
K. L. Von Damm, Colodner, D. C., and Edmonds, H. N., Hydrothermal fluid chemistry at 9-10 degrees N EPR '92: Big changes and still changing, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
S. K. Juniper, Tunnicliffe, V., and Southward, E. C., Hydrothermal vents in turbidite sediments on a Northeast Pacific spreading centre: Organisms and substratum at an ocean drilling site, Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol. 70, pp. 1792–1809, 1992.
F. S. Hover and Yoerger, D. R., Identification of low-order dynamic models for deeply towed underwater vehicle systems, International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 38–45, 1992.
W. M. Hamner and Robison, B. H., In situ observations of giant appendicularians in Monterey Bay, Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 39, pp. 1299–1313, 1992.
M. F. Bowen, Intercontinental ROV pilot training and telerobotics via satellite, in Global ocean partnership : MTS '92 proceedings, vol. 2, Washington, D.C.: Marine Technology Society, 1992, pp. 1067–1073.
M. A. Tivey, Leg 139 drilling tests magnetic models, JOI/USSAC Newsletter, vol. 5, 1992.
