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H. Roberts, Carney, R., Kupchik, M., Fisher, C. R., Nelson, K., Becker, E., Goehring, E., Lessard-Pilon, S., Telesnicki, G., Bernard, B., Brooks, J., Bright, M., Cordes, E., Hourdez, S., Hunt, J., Shedd, W., Boland, G., Joye, S., Samarkin, V., Bernier, M., Bowles, M., MacDonald, I., Niemann, H., Petersen, C., Morrison, C., and Potter, J., Alvin explores the deep northern Gulf of Mexico Slope, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 88, pp. 341–342, 2007.
C. R. Fisher, Roberts, H., Cordes, E., and Bernard, B., Cold Seeps and Associated Communities of the Gulf of Mexico, Oceanography, vol. 20, pp. 118–129, 2007.
S. Duperron, Sibuet, M., MacGregor, B. J., Kuypers, M. M. M., Fisher, C. R., and Dubilier, N., Diversity, relative abundance and metabolic potential of bacterial endosymbionts in three Bathymodiolus mussel species from cold seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, Environmental microbiology, vol. 9, pp. 1423–1438, 2007.
S. L. Carney, Flores, J. F., Orobona, K. M., Butterfield, D. A., Fisher, C. R., and Schaeffer, S. W., Environmental differences in hemoglobin gene expression in the hydrothermal vent tubeworm, Ridgeia piscesae, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry {&} Molecular Biology, vol. 146, pp. 326–337, 2007.
B. Govenar and Fisher, C. R., Experimental evidence of habitat provision by aggregations of Riftia pachyptila at hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise, Marine Ecology, vol. 28, pp. 3–14, 2007.
I. A. Urcuyo, Bergquist, D. C., MacDonald, I. R., VanHorn, M., and Fisher, C. R., Growth and longevity of the tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae in the variable diffuse flow habitats of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 344, pp. 143–157, 2007.
C. R. Fisher, Takai, K., and Le Bris, N., Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems, Oceanography, vol. 20, pp. 14–23, 2007.
C. R. Fisher and Girguis, P., A proteomic snapshot of life at a vent, Science, vol. 315, pp. 198–199, 2007.
S. Gollner, Zekeley, J., Govenar, B., Le Bris, N., Nemeschkal, H. L., Fisher, C. R., and Bright, M., Tubeworm-associated permanent meiobenthic communities from two chemically different hydrothermal vent sites on the East Pacific Rise, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 337, pp. 39–49, 2007.
D. C. Bergquist, Eckner, J. T., Urcuyo, I. A., Cordes, E. E., Hourdez, S., Macko, S. A., and Fisher, C. R., Using stable isotopes and quantitative community characteristics to determine a local hydrothermal vent food web, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 330, pp. 49–65, 2007.
