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R. D. Ballard and Archbold, R., The discovery of the Titanic. New York: Warner Books, 1987, p. 230.
R. D. Ballard, Hekinian, R., and Francheteau, J., Geological setting of hydrothermal activity at 12 degrees 50'N on the East Pacific Rise; A submersible study, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 69, pp. 176–186, 1984.
R. D. Ballard and Emery, K. O., Research submersibles in oceanography. Washington, D.C.: Marine Technology Society, 1970, p. 73.
R. D. Ballard, Deep Black Sea, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 199, pp. 52–69, 2001.
R. D. Ballard and Grassle, J. F., Return to oases of the deep, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 156, pp. 680–705, 1979.
R. D. Ballard, Application of deepwater mapping techniques in specific geologic programs project FAMOUS Cayman Trench, in Oceans '76: Second Annual Combined Conference, September 13-15, 1976, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1976, p. 87.
R. D. Ballard, Notes on a major oceanographic find, Oceanus, vol. 20, pp. 35–44, 1977.
R. D. Ballard, Mapping the mid-ocean ridge, in Twelfth Annual Offshore Technology Conference: 1980 Proceedings, vol. 1, Dallas, Tex.: Offshore Technology Conference, 1980, pp. 55–64.
R. D. Ballard, Die Entdeckung der Bismarck, GEO, vol. 1989, pp. 14–36, 1989.
R. D. Ballard, Life where the earth is renewed, World Book's Science Year in Review, vol. 1979, pp. 12–27, 1979.
R. D. Ballard, The exploits of Alvin and Angus: Exploring the East Pacific Rise, Oceanus, vol. 27, pp. 7–14, 1984.
R. D. Ballard, Probing the Mid-Atlantic Rift, Science Teacher, vol. 42, pp. 12–18, 1975.
R. D. Ballard, Uchupi, E., Blackman, D. K., Cheminee, J., Francheteau, J., Hekinian, R., Schwab, W. C., and Sigurdsson, H., Geological mapping of the East Pacific Rise axis (10 degrees 19' -11 degrees 53'N) using the Argo and Angus imaging systems, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 26, pp. 467–486, 1988.
R. D. Ballard, Epilogue for Titanic, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 172, pp. 454–463, 1987.
R. D. Ballard and van Andel, T. H., Morphology and tectonics of the inner rift valley at lat 36 degrees 50' N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 88, pp. 507–530, 1977.
R. D. Ballard and Francheteau, J., The relationship between active sulfide deposition and the axial processes of the Mid-Ocean Ridge, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 16, pp. 8–22, 1982.
R. D. Ballard, Exploring the Titanic. New York: Scholastic, 1988, p. 64.
R. D. Ballard and van Andel, T. H., Project FAMOUS: Operational techniques and American submersible operations, Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 88, pp. 495–506, 1977.
R. D. Ballard, Maxwell, A. E., Davis, R. E., Eliason, A. H., Hess, F. R., McCamis, M. J., McElroy, P. T., Marquet, W. M., Von Herzen, R. P., Williams, D. L., and Winget, C. L., Technical progress report: Advanced marine technology 1 February 1973 - 31 July 1973, vol. 73-92. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1973, p. 82.
R. D. Ballard, von Alt, C., and Hersey, W. J., Live deep-sea expedition video coverage planned for scientists ashore, Oceanus, vol. 30, pp. 11–15, 1987.
R. D. Ballard, The Jason remotely operated vehicle system, vol. 93-34. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993, p. 47.
R. D. Ballard, The Medea/Jason remotely operated vehicle system, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 40, pp. 1673–1687, 1993.
R. D. Ballard, Window on Earth's interior, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 150, pp. 228–249, 1976.
R. D. Ballard, How we found Titanic, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 168, pp. 696–719, 1985.
R. D. Ballard, The ocean depths, in Ocean Realm, Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1978, pp. 148–167.
