Deep-sea coral $δ$13C: A tool to reconstruct the difference between seawater pH and $δ$11B-derived calcifying fluid pH

TitleDeep-sea coral $δ$13C: A tool to reconstruct the difference between seawater pH and $δ$11B-derived calcifying fluid pH
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMartin, P, Goodkin, NF, Stewart, JA, Foster, GL, Sikes, EL, White, HK, Hennige, S, Roberts, JM
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
KeywordsHOV Alvin (Human Occupied Vehicle)

{The boron isotopic composition ($δ$11B) of coral skeleton is a proxy for seawater pH. However, $δ$11B-based pH estimates must account for the pH difference between seawater and the coral calcifying fluid, $Δ$pH. We report that skeletal $δ$11B and $Δ$pH are related to the skeletal carbon isotopic composition ($δ$13C) in four genera of deep-sea corals collected across a natural pH range of 7.89–8.09, with $Δ$pH related to $δ$13C by $Δ$pH = 0.029 × $δ$13C + 0.929
