The effect of unsteady motion on the drag forces and flow-induced vibrations of a long vertical tow cable

TitleThe effect of unsteady motion on the drag forces and flow-induced vibrations of a long vertical tow cable
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsGrosenbaugh, MA
EditorChung, JS
Book TitleProceedings of the First (1990) European Offshore Mechanics Symposium: Hydrodynamics and Structural Mechanics, Tubular Joints and Fatigue, TLP, Offshore Systems, Pipelines and Risers, Cables and Mooring, Ice-Structure Interactions
PublisherInternational Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
CityGolden, Colo.
ISBN Number0-962610-44-5
KeywordsROV Argo (Remotely Operated Vehicle)