Petrology and geochronology of lavas from Ka‘ula Volcano: Implications for rejuvenated volcanism of the Hawaiian mantle plume

TitlePetrology and geochronology of lavas from Ka‘ula Volcano: Implications for rejuvenated volcanism of the Hawaiian mantle plume
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsGarcia, MO, Weis, D, Jicha, BR, Ito, G, Hanano, D
JournalGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
KeywordsROV Jason (Remotely Operated Vehicle)

Marine surveying and submersible sampling of Ka‘ula Volcano, located 100 km off the axis of the Hawaiian chain, revealed widespread areas of young volcanism. New 40Ar/39Ar and geochemical analyses of the olivine-phyric submarine and subaerial volcanic rocks show that Ka‘ula is shrouded with 1.9–0.5 Ma alkalic basalts. The ages and chemistry of these rocks overlap with rejuvenated lavas on nearby, northern Hawaiian Island shields (Ni‘ihau, Kaua‘i and South Kaua‘i Swell). Collectively, these rejuvenated lavas cover a vast area (∼7000 km2), much more extensive than any other area of rejuvenated volcanism worldwide. Ka‘ula rejuvenated lavas range widely in alkalinity and incompatible element abundances (e.g., up to 10× P2O5 at a given MgO value) and ratios indicating variable degrees of melting of a heterogeneous source. Heavy REE elements in Ka‘ula lavas are pinned at a mantle normalized Yb value of 10 ± 1, reflecting the presence of garnet in the source. Trace element ratios indicate the source also contained phlogopite and an Fe–Ti oxide. The new Ka‘ula ages show that rejuvenated volcanism was nearly coeval from ∼0.3 to 0.6 Ma along a 450 km segment of the Hawaiian Islands (from West Maui to north of Ka‘ula). The ages and volumes for rejuvenated volcanism are inconsistent with all but one geodynamic melting model proposed to date. This model advocates a significant contribution of pyroxenite to rejuvenated magmas. Analyses of olivine phenocryst compositions suggest a major (33–69{%}) pyroxenite component in Ka‘ula rejuvenated lavas, which correlates positively with radiogenic Pb isotope ratios for Ka‘ula. This correlation is also observed in lavas from nearby South Kaua‘i lavas, as was reported for Atlantic oceanic islands. The presence of pyroxenite in the source may have extended the duration and volume of Hawaiian rejuvenated volcanism.
