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M. Kinoshita, Matsubayashi, O., and Fujioka, K., Long-term heat flow measurement on the TAG hydrothermal mound in Mid-Atlantic Ridge, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 137–147, 1995.
E. A. Solomon, Kastner, M., Wheat, C. G., Jannasch, H. W., Robertson, G., Davis, E. E., and Morris, J. D., Long-term hydrogeochemical records in the oceanic basement and forearc prism at the Costa Rica subduction zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 282, pp. 240–251, 2009.
M. Mochizuki, Kanazawa, T., Nishizawa, A., Kishimoto, K., and Urabe, T., Long-term ocean bottom earthquake observation in the East Pacific Rise, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 43–51, 1999.
M. Mochizuki, Kanazawa, T., Nishizawa, A., Kishimoto, K., and Urabe, T., Long-term ocean bottom earthquake observation in the East Pacific Rise, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 43–51, 1999.
D. S. Kelley, The Lost City Hydrothermal Field, Oceanography, vol. 18, pp. 32–45, 2005.
D. S. Kelley, Fruh-Green, G. L., Karson, J. A., and Ludwig, K. A., The Lost City Hydrothermal Field revisited, Oceanography, vol. 20, pp. 90–99, 2007.
D. S. Kelley, Fruh-Green, G. L., Karson, J. A., and Ludwig, K. A., The Lost City Hydrothermal Field revisited, Oceanography, vol. 20, pp. 90–99, 2007.
M. O. Schrenk, Kelley, D. S., Bolton, S. A., and Baross, J. A., Low archaeal diversity linked to subseafloor geochemical processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Environmental Microbiology, vol. 6, pp. 1086–1095, 2004.
G. Proskurowski, Lilley, M. D., Kelley, D. S., and Olson, E. J., Low temperature volatile production at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field: evidence from a hydrogen stable isotope geothermometer, Chemical Geology, vol. 229, pp. 331–343, 2006.
J. Chadwick, Perfit, M., Ridley, I., Kamenov, G., Chadwick, W., Embley, R., le Roux, P., and Smith, M., Magmatic effects of the Cobb hot spot on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 110, p. B03101, 2005.
M. C. Smith, Perfit, M. R., Fornari, D. J., Ridley, W. I., Edwards, M. H., Kurras, G. J., and Von Damm, K. L., Magmatic processes and segmentation at a fast spreading mid-ocean ridge: Detailed investigation of an axial discontinuity on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9 degrees 37' N, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 2, p. 2000GC000134, 2001.
R. M. Lawrence, Gee, J. S., and Karson, J. A., Magnetic anisotropy of serpentinized peridotites from the MARK area: Implications for the orientation of mesoscopic structures and major fault zones, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107, pp. EPM–4–1 – EPM–4–16, 2002.
D. K. Smith, Tivey, M. A., Gregg, P., and Kong, L., Magnetic anomalies at the Puna Ridge, a submarine extension of Kilauea Volcano: Implications for lava deposition, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 106, pp. 16,16–47,6, 2001.
F. Szitkar, Tivey, M. A., Kelley, D. S., Karson, J. A., Fruh-Green, G. L., and Denny, A. R., Magnetic exploration of a low-temperature ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal site (Lost City, 30 degrees N, MAR), EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 461, pp. 40–45, 2017.
F. Szitkar, Tivey, M. A., Kelley, D. S., Karson, J. A., Fruh-Green, G. L., and Denny, A. R., Magnetic exploration of a low-temperature ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal site (Lost City, 30 degrees N, MAR), EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 461, pp. 40–45, 2017.
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D. J. Fornari, Kurras, G., Edwards, M., Spencer, W., and Hersey, B., Mapping volcanic morphology on the crest of the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 49'-52'N using the WHOI towed camera system: a versatile new digital camera sled for seafloor mapping, BRIDGE Newsletter, pp. 4–12, 1998.
C. Boschi, Fruh-Green, G. L., Delacour, A., Karson, J. A., and Kelley, D. S., Mass transfer and fluid flow during detachment faulting and development of an oceanic core complex, Atlantis Massif (MAR 30 degrees N), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 7, p. Q01004, 2006.
