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H. - T. Lin, Cowen, J. P., Olson, E. J., Lilley, M. D., Jungbluth, S. P., Wilson, S. T., and Rappe, M. S., Dissolved hydrogen and methane in the oceanic basaltic biosphere, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 405, pp. 62–73, 2014.
A. Bourbonnais, S Juniper, K., Butterfield, D. A., Anderson, R. E., and Lehmann, M. F., Diversity and abundance of Bacteria and nirS-encoding denitrifiers associated with the Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal system, ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 64, pp. 1691–1705, 2014.
R. W. Embley, Merle, S. G., Baker, E. T., Rubin, K. H., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., Dziak, R. P., Lilley, M. D., Chadwick, W. W., Shank, T. M., Greene, R., Walker, S. L., Haxel, J. H., Olson, E. J., and Baumberger, T., Eruptive modes and hiatus of volcanism at West Mata seamount, NE Lau basin: 1996–2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15, pp. 4093–4115, 2014.
R. W. Embley, Merle, S. G., Baker, E. T., Rubin, K. H., Lupton, J. E., Resing, J. A., Dziak, R. P., Lilley, M. D., Chadwick, W. W., Shank, T. M., Greene, R., Walker, S. L., Haxel, J. H., Olson, E. J., and Baumberger, T., Eruptive modes and hiatus of volcanism at West Mata seamount, NE Lau basin: 1996–2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15, pp. 4093–4115, 2014.
T. D. Lorenson, Wong, F. L., Dartnell, P., and Sliter, R. W., Greenhouse gases generated from the anaerobic biodegradation of natural offshore asphalt seepages in southern California, GEO-MARINE LETTERS, vol. 34, pp. 281–295, 2014.
W. W. Chadwick Jr., Merle, S. G., Buck, N. J., J Lavelle, W., Resing, J. A., and Ferrini, V., Imaging of CO2 bubble plumes above an erupting submarine volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 15, pp. 4325–4342, 2014.
J. A. Breier, Sheik, C. S., Gomez-Ibanez, D., Sayre-McCord, R. T., Sanger, R., Rauch, C., Coleman, M., Bennett, S. A., Cron, B. R., Li, M., German, C. R., Toner, B. M., and Dick, G. J., A large volume particulate and water multi-sampler with in situ preservation for microbial and biogeochemical studies, DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, vol. 94, pp. 195–206, 2014.
J. Li, Zhou, H., Fang, J., Sun, Y., and Dasgupta, S., Microbial distribution in different spatial positions within the walls of a black sulfide hydrothermal chimney, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 508, pp. 67–85, 2014.
A. Sapir, Dillman, A. R., Connon, S. A., Grupe, B. M., Ingels, J., Mundo-Ocampo, M., Levin, L. A., Baldwin, J. G., Orphan, V. J., and Sternberg, P. W., Microsporidia-nematode associations in methane seeps reveal basal fungal parasitism in the deep sea, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 5, 2014.
A. Gartman, Findlay, A. J., and Luther, G. W., Nanoparticulate pyrite and other nanoparticles are a widespread component of hydrothermal vent black smoker emissions, Chemical Geology, vol. 366, pp. 32–41, 2014.
E. L. Becker, Cordes, E. E., Macko, S. A., Lee, R. W., and Fisher, C. R., Spatial patterns of tissue stable isotope contents give insight into the nutritional sources for seep communities on the Gulf of Mexico lower slope, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 498, pp. 133–U481, 2014.
D. Feng, Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Roberts, H. H., Joye, S. B., Sassen, R., Liu, X. - L., Hinrichs, K. - U., and Chen, D., Time integrated variation of sources of fluids and seepage dynamics archived in authigenic carbonates from Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory, Chemical Geology, vol. 385, pp. 129–139, 2014.
T. Baumberger, Lilley, M. D., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Baker, E. T., Butterfield, D. A., Olson, E. J., and Fruh-Green, G. L., Understanding a submarine eruption through time series hydrothermal plume sampling of dissolved and particulate constituents: West Mata, 2008-2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15, pp. 4631–4650, 2014.
T. Baumberger, Lilley, M. D., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Baker, E. T., Butterfield, D. A., Olson, E. J., and Fruh-Green, G. L., Understanding a submarine eruption through time series hydrothermal plume sampling of dissolved and particulate constituents: West Mata, 2008-2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15, pp. 4631–4650, 2014.
L. S. Mullineaux, Jr., D. J. McGillic, Mills, S. W., Kosnyrev, V. K., Thurnherr, A. M., Ledwell, J. R., and Lavelle, J. W., Active positioning of vent larvae at a mid-ocean ridge, DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, vol. 92, pp. 46–57, 2013.
L. S. Mullineaux, Jr., D. J. McGillic, Mills, S. W., Kosnyrev, V. K., Thurnherr, A. M., Ledwell, J. R., and Lavelle, J. W., Active positioning of vent larvae at a mid-ocean ridge, DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, vol. 92, pp. 46–57, 2013.
A. E. Bates, Bird, T. J., Robert, K., Onthank, K. L., Quinn, G. P., S Juniper, K., and Lee, R. W., Activity and positioning of eurythermal hydrothermal vent sulphide worms in a variable thermal environment, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, vol. 448, pp. 149–155, 2013.
S. A. Lincoln, Bradley, A. S., Newman, S. A., and Summons, R. E., Archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids in chimneys of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, vol. 60, pp. 45–53, 2013.
B. J. Campbell, Polson, S. W., Allen, L. Zeigler, Williamson, S. J., Lee, C. K., K Wommack, E., and S Cary, C., Diffuse flow environments within basalt- and sediment-based hydrothermal vent ecosystems harbor specialized microbial communities, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 4, 2013.
A. Sen, Becker, E. L., Podowski, E. L., Wickes, L. N., Ma, S., Mullaugh, K. M., Hourdez, S., Luther, G. W., and Fisher, C. R., Distribution of mega fauna on sulfide edifices on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 72, pp. 48–60, 2013.
K. J. Coyne, Countway, P. D., Pilditch, C. A., Lee, C. K., Caron, D. A., and Cary, S. C., Diversity and Distributional Patterns of Ciliates in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Vent Sediments, JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 60, pp. 433–447, 2013.
L. A. Levin, Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G., Bertics, V. J., Washington, T., Gonzalez, J., Thurber, A. R., Ebbe, B., and Lee, R. W., Ecological release and niche partitioning under stress:lessons from dorvilleid polychaetes in sulfidic sediments at methane seeps, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 92, pp. 214–233, 2013.
L. A. Levin, Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G., Bertics, V. J., Washington, T., Gonzalez, J., Thurber, A. R., Ebbe, B., and Lee, R. W., Ecological release and niche partitioning under stress:lessons from dorvilleid polychaetes in sulfidic sediments at methane seeps, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 92, pp. 214–233, 2013.
L. L. Brothers, Van Dover, C. L., German, C. R., Kaiser, C. L., Yoerger, D. R., Ruppel, C. D., Lobecker, E., Skarke, A. D., and Wagner, J. K. S., Evidence for extensive methane venting on the southeastern U.S. Atlantic margin, Geology, vol. 41, pp. 807–810, 2013.
S. P. Jungbluth, Grote, J., Lin, H. - T., Cowen, J. P., and Rappe, M. S., Microbial diversity within basement fluids of the sediment-buried Juan de Fuca Ridge flank, ISME JOURNAL, vol. 7, pp. 161–172, 2013.
