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B. Bingham, Mindell, D., Wilcox, T., and Bowen, A., Integrating precision relative positioning into Jason/Medea ROV operations, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 40, pp. 87–96, 2006.
T. J. Waite, Kraiya, C., Trouwborst, R. E., Ma, S., and Luther, G. W., An investigation into the suitability of bismuth as an alternative to gold-amalgam as a working electrode for the in situ determination of chemical redox species in the natural environment, Electroanalysis, vol. 18, pp. 1167–1172, 2006.
S. B. Johnson, Young, C. R., Jones, W. J., Waren, A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Migration, isolation, and speciation of hydrothermal vent limpets (Gastropoda ; Lepetodrilidae) across the Blanco Transform Fault, Biological Bulletin, vol. 210, pp. 140–157, 2006.
H. H. Roberts, Potter, J. M., and Wolff, G. A., NOAA Ocean Explorer: Expedition to the deep slope, vol. 2007. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration, Silver Spring, Md., 2006.
F. Martinez, Taylor, B., Baker, E. T., Resing, J. A., and Walker, S. L., Opposing trends in crustal thickness and spreading rate along the back-arc Eastern Lau Spreading Center: Implications for controls on ridge morphology, faulting, and hydrothermal activity, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 245, pp. 655–672, 2006.
L. A. Levin, Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G. F., Growney-Cannon, V., and Walther, S., Recruitment response of methane-seep macrofauna to sulfide-rich sediments: An in situ experiment, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 330, pp. 132–150, 2006.
M. Tolstoy, Cowen, J. P., Baker, E. T., Fornari, D. J., Rubin, K. H., Shank, T. M., Waldhauser, F., Bohnenstiehl, D. R., Forsyth, D. W., Holmes, R. C., Love, B., Perfit, M. R., Weekly, R. T., Soule, S. A., and Glazer, B., A sea-floor spreading event captured by seismometers, Science, vol. 314, pp. 1920–1922, 2006.
M. Tolstoy, Cowen, J. P., Baker, E. T., Fornari, D. J., Rubin, K. H., Shank, T. M., Waldhauser, F., Bohnenstiehl, D. R., Forsyth, D. W., Holmes, R. C., Love, B., Perfit, M. R., Weekly, R. T., Soule, S. A., and Glazer, B., A sea-floor spreading event captured by seismometers, Science, vol. 314, pp. 1920–1922, 2006.
V. D. Wanless, Garcia, M. O., Trusdell, F. A., Rhodes, J. M., Norman, M. D., Weis, D., Fornari, D. J., Kurz, M. D., and Guillou, H., Submarine radial vents on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 7, p. Q05001, 2006.
V. D. Wanless, Garcia, M. O., Trusdell, F. A., Rhodes, J. M., Norman, M. D., Weis, D., Fornari, D. J., Kurz, M. D., and Guillou, H., Submarine radial vents on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 7, p. Q05001, 2006.
R. G. Waller, Adkins, J. F., Robinson, L. F., and Shank, T. M., Ancient DNA techniques : applications for deep-water corals, Bulletin of Marine Science, vol. 81, pp. 351–359, 2007.
L. F. Robinson, Adkins, J. F., Scheirer, D. S., Fernandez, D. P., Gagnon, A. C., and Waller, R. G., Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the northwest Atlantic for the last 225,000 years, Bulletin of Marine Science, vol. 81, pp. 371–391, 2007.
C. L. Van Dover, Ward, M. E., Scott, J. L., Underdown, J., Anderson, B., Gustafson, C., Whalen, M., and Carnegie, R. B., A fungal epizootic in mussels at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, Marine Ecology, vol. 28, pp. 54–62, 2007.
C. L. Van Dover, Ward, M. E., Scott, J. L., Underdown, J., Anderson, B., Gustafson, C., Whalen, M., and Carnegie, R. B., A fungal epizootic in mussels at a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, Marine Ecology, vol. 28, pp. 54–62, 2007.
H. C. Wu, Chen, Y., Yang, C. J., Zhang, J. F., Zhou, H. Y., Peng, X. T., and Ji, F. W., Mechatronic integration and implementation of in situ multipoint temperature measurement for seafloor hydrothermal vent, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, vol. 50, pp. 144–153, 2007.
C. M. Williams, Oceanic lithosphere magnetization: marine magnetic investigations of crustal accretion and tectonic processes in mid-ocean ridge environments, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2007.
A. Wootton, So you wanna be an: Aquanaut, Popular Science, vol. 271, p. 59, 2007.
V. L. Ferrini, Fornari, D. J., Shank, T. M., Kinsey, J. C., Tivey, M. A., Soule, S. A., Carbotte, S. M., Whitcomb, L. L., Yoerger, D. R., and Howland, J., Submeter bathymetric mapping of volcanic and hydrothermal features on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9 degrees 50 ' N, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 8, p. Q01006, 2007.
Y. - J. Won, Jones, W. J., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Absence of cospeciation between deep-sea mytilids and their thiotrophic endosymbionts, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 129–138, 2008.
C. G. Wheat, Fryer, P., Fisher, A. T., Hulme, S., Jannasch, H. W., and Mottl, M. J., Borehole observations of fluid flow from South Chamorro Seamount, an active serpentinite mud volcano in the Mariana forearc, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 267, pp. 401–409, 2008.
C. R. Logan, Evans, M. T., Ward, M. E., Scott, J. L., Carnegie, R. B., and Van Dover, C. L., Comparative ultrastructure of digestive diverticulae in bathymodiolin mussels: Discovery of an unknown spherical inclusion (SIX) in digestive cells of a seep mussel, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 97–105, 2008.
B. D. Walker, McCarthy, M. D., Fisher, A. T., and Guilderson, T. P., Dissolved inorganic carbon isotopic composition of low-temperature axial and ridge-flank hydrothermal fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Marine Chemistry, vol. 108, pp. 123–136, 2008.
S. B. Johnson, Waren, A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., DNA barcoding of Lepetodrilus limpets reveals cryptic species, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 43–51, 2008.
S. L. Walker, Baker, E. T., Resing, J. A., Chadwick, W. W., Lebon, G. T., Lupton, J. E., and Merle, S. G., Eruption-fed particle plumes and volcaniclastic deposits at a submarine volcano: NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 113, p. B08S11, 2008.
B. Melchert, Devey, C. W., German, C. R., Lackschewitz, K. S., Seifert, R., Walter, M., Mertens, C., Yoerger, D. R., Baker, E. T., Paulick, H., and Nakamura, K., First evidence for high-temperature off-axis venting of deep crustal/mantle heat: The Nibelungen hydrothermal field, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 275, pp. 61–69, 2008.
