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C. R. German, Yoerger, D. R., Jakuba, M. V., Shank, T. M., Langmuir, C. H., and Nakamura, K. I., Hydrothermal exploration with the Autonomous Benthic Explorer, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 55, pp. 203–219, 2008.
H. A. Nees, Moore, T. S., Mullaugh, K. M., Holyoke, R. R., Janzen, C. P., Ma, S., Metzger, E., Waite, T. J., Yucel, M., Lutz, R. A., Shank, T. M., Vetriani, C., Nuzzio, D. B., and Luther, G. W., Hydrothermal vent mussel habitat chemistry, pre- and post-eruption at 9 degrees 50′North on the East Pacific Rise, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 169–175, 2008.
R. A. Lutz, Shank, T. M., Luther, G. W., Vetriani, C., Tolstoy, M., Nuzzio, D. B., Moore, T. S., Waldhauser, F., Crespo-Medina, M., Chatziefthimiou, A. D., Annis, E. R., and Reed, A. J., Interrelationships between vent fluid chemistry, temperature, seismic activity, and biological community structure at a mussel-dominated, deep-sea hydrothermal vent along the East Pacific Rise, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 177–190, 2008.
G. W. Luther, Glazer, B. T., Ma, S., Trouwborst, R. E., Moore, T. S., Metzger, E., Kraiya, C., Waite, T. J., Druschel, G., Sundby, B., Taillefert, M., Nuzzio, D. B., Shank, T. M., Lewis, B. L., and Brendel, P. J., Use of voltammetric solid-state (micro)electrodes for studying biogeochemical processes: Laboratory measurements to real time measurements with an in situ electrochemical analyzer (ISEA), Marine Chemistry, vol. 108, pp. 221–235, 2008.
G. W. Luther, Gartman, A., Yuecel, M., Madison, A. S., Moore, T. S., Nees, H. A., Nuzzio, D. B., Sen, A., Lutz, R. A., Shank, T. M., and Fisher, C. R., Chemistry, Temperature, and Faunal Distributions at Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Vents Comparison of Two Geologically Distinct Ridge Systems, Oceanography, vol. 25, pp. 234–245, 2012.
D. J. Fornari, Von Damm, K. L., Bryce, J. G., Cowen, J. P., Ferrini, V., Fundis, A., Lilley, M. D., Luther, G. W., Mullineaux, L. S., Perfit, M. R., Meana-Prado, M. F., Rubin, K. H., Seyfried, W. E., Shank, T. M., Soule, S. A., Tolstoy, M., and White, S. M., The East Pacific Rise Between 9 degrees N and 10 degrees N: Twenty-Five Years of Integrated, Multidisciplinary Oceanic Spreading Center Studies, Oceanography, vol. 25, pp. 18–43, 2012.
H. K. White, Hsing, P. - Y., Cho, W., Shank, T. M., Cordes, E. E., Quattrini, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Camilli, R., Demopoulos, A. W. J., German, C. R., Brooks, J. M., Roberts, H. H., Shedd, W., Reddy, C. M., and Fisher, C. R., Impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on a deep-water coral community in the Gulf of Mexico, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 109, pp. 20303–20308, 2012.
H. K. White, Hsing, P. - Y., Cho, W., Shank, T. M., Cordes, E. E., Quattrini, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Camilli, R., Demopoulos, A. W. J., German, C. R., Brooks, J. M., Roberts, H. H., Shedd, W., Reddy, C. M., and Fisher, C. R., Reply to Boehm and Carragher: Multiple lines of evidence link deep-water coral damage to Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 109, pp. E2648–E2648, 2012.
