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A. Bowen, Williams, R., and Torchio, D. R., M.V. Derbyshire phase 2 survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution cruise report, in M.V. Derbyshire surveys: UK/EC Assessors' report, R. Williams, Ed. Brussels, Belgium; London: European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport; DTER, 1998, pp. 1:209–1:230.
A. Bowen, The Argo/Jason ROV development program, past and present challenges, in Diving for science..1994 : proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences fourteenth annual scientific diving symposeum, October 5-9, 1994, Costa Mesa, CA: American Academy of Underwater Sciences, 1994.
R. D. Ballard, Yoerger, D. R., Stewart, W. K., and Bowen, A., Argo/Jason: A remotely operated survey and sampling system for full-ocean depth, in Oceans '91: Proceedings, October 1-3, 1991, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA : Ocean Technologies and Opportunities in the Pacific for the 90's, vol. 1, New York: IEEE, 1991, pp. 71–75.