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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
J. Wilson, Going 4 miles underwater: A next-generation 'Alvin' submersible will take ocean exploration to new depths, Popular Mechanics, vol. 181, p. 30,32, 2004.
C. G. Wheat, Mottl, M. J., Fisher, A. T., Kadko, D., Davis, E. E., Baker, E. T., Mullineaux, L. S., Peterson, C. H., Micheli, F., and Mills, S. W., Heat flow through a basaltic outcrop on a sedimented young ridge flank, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 5, p. Article no. Q12006, 2004.
E. E. Davis, Becker, K., Dziak, R. P., Cassidy, J. F., Wang, K., and Lilley, M., Hydrological response to a seafloor spreading episode on the Juan de Fuca ridge, Nature, vol. 430, pp. 335–338, 2004.
C. R. German and Von Damm, K. L., Hydrothermal processes, in Treatise on geochemistry, vol. 6, K. K. Turekian, Ed. New York: Elsevier, 2004, pp. 181–222.
N. J. Debenham, Lambshead, P. J. D., Ferrero, T. J., and Smith, C. R., The impact of whale falls on nematode abundance in the deep sea, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 51, pp. 701–706, 2004.
G. W. Luther, Kinetics of the reactions of water, hydroxide ion and sulfide species with CO2, OCS and CS2: Frontier molecular orbital considerations, Aquatic Geochemistry, vol. 10, pp. 81–97, 2004.
C. O. Wirsen, Is life thriving deep beneath the seafloor? Recent discoveries hint at a potentially huge and diverse subsurface biosphere, Oceanus, vol. 42, pp. 72–77, 2004.
M. O. Schrenk, Kelley, D. S., Bolton, S. A., and Baross, J. A., Low archaeal diversity linked to subseafloor geochemical processes at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Environmental Microbiology, vol. 6, pp. 1086–1095, 2004.
S. K. Goffredi, Waren, A., Orphan, V. J., Van Dover, C. L., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Novel forms of structural integration between microbes and a hydrothermal vent gastropod from the Indian Ocean, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 70, pp. 3082–3090, 2004.
D. Malakoff, NSF takes the plung on a bigger, faster research sub, Science, vol. 305, pp. 926–927, 2004.
C. M. Terlizzi, Ward, M. E., and Van Dover, C. L., Observations on parasitism in deep-sea hydrothermal vent and seep limpets, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 62, pp. 17–26, 2004.
G. W. Rouse, Goffredi, S. K., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Osedax: Bone-eating marine worms with dwarf males, Science, vol. 305, pp. 668–671, 2004.
R. J. Varga, Karson, J. A., and Gee, J. S., Paleomagnetic constraints on deformation models for uppermost oceanic crust exposed at the Hess Deep Rift: Implications for axial processes at the East Pacific Rise, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 109, p. B02104, 2004.
M. E. Ward, Shields, J. D., and Van Dover, C. L., Parasitism in species of Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) mussels from deep-sea seep and hydrothermal vents, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 62, pp. 1–16, 2004.
C. A. Di Meo-Savoie, Luther, G. W., and Cary, S. C., Physicochemical characterization of the microhabitat of the epibionts associated with Alvinella pompejana, a hydrothermal vent annelid, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 68, pp. 2055–2066, 2004.
D. J. Fornari, Realizing the dreams of da Vinci and Verne: a diverse fleet of innovative deep-submergence vehicles heralds a new era of ocean exploration, Oceanus, vol. 42, pp. 20–24, 2004.
M. K. Tivey, The remarkable diversity of seafloor vents: Continuing explorations reveal an increasing variety of hydrothermal systems, Oceanus, vol. 42, pp. 60–65, 2004.
B. B. Walden and Brown, R. S., A replacement for the Alvin submersible, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 38, pp. 85–91, 2004.
M. Sheader, Van Dover, C. L., and Thurston, M. H., Reproductive Ecology of Bouvierella curtirama (Amphipoda:Eusiridae) from chemically distinct vents in the Lucky Strike vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Marine Biology, vol. 144, pp. 503–514, 2004.
P. A. Rona, Secret survivor, Natural History, vol. 113, pp. 50–55, 2004.
S. D. Hurst and Karson, J. A., Side-scan sonar along the north wall of the Hess Deep Rift: Processing, texture analysis, and geologic ground truth on an oceanic escarpment, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 109, p. B02107, 2004.
T. J. Schroeder and John, B. E., Strain localization on an oceanic detachment fault system, Atlantis Massif, 30 degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 5, p. Article no. Q11007, 2004.
D. J. Fornari, Tivey, M. A., Schouten, H., Perfit, M. R., Yoerger, D. R., Bradley, A. M., Edwards, M. H., Haymon, R., Schreirer, D. S., Von Damm, K. L., Shank, T. M., and Soule, A., Submarine lava flow emplacement at the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 50'N: Implications for uppermost ocean crust stratigraphy and hydrothermal fluid circulation, in Mid-ocean ridges: hydrothermal interactions between the lithosphere and ocean, C. R. German, Ed. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union, 2004, pp. 187–217.
C. A. Robinson, Bernhard, J. M., Levin, L. A., Mendoza, G. F., and Blanks, J. K., Surficial hydrocarbon seep infauna from the Blake Ridge (Atlantic Ocean, 2150 m) and the Gulf of Mexico (690–2240 m), Marine Ecology, vol. 25, pp. 313–336, 2004.
K. Becker, Davis, E. E., Spiess, F. N., and DeMoustier, C. P., Temperature and video logs from the upper oceanic crust, Holes 504B and 896A, Costa Rica Rift flank: implications for the permeability of upper oceanic crust, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 222, pp. 881–896, 2004.
