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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
A. J. Arp and Childress, J. J., Functional characteristics of the blood of the deep sea hydrothermal vent brachyuran crab, Science, vol. 214, pp. 559–561, 1981.
J. B. Stroup and Fox, P. J., Geologic investigations in the Cayman Trough: Evidence for thin oceanic crust along the Mid-Cayman Rise, Journal of Geology, vol. 89, pp. 395–420, 1981.
D. C. Rhoads, Lutz, R. A., Revelas, E. C., and Cerrato, R. M., Growth of bivalves at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Galapagos Rift, Science, vol. 214, pp. 911–913, 1981.
D. C. Rhoads, Lutz, R. A., and Cerrato, R. M., Growth of mussels at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Galapagos Rift, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 1, p. 121, 1981.
M. Fevrier, Hydrothermalisme et mineralisations sur la dorsale est pacifique a 21 degrés N: Etude mineralogique et geochimique, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, 1981.
R. P. Freeman-Lynde, The marine geology of the Bahama escarpment, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1981.
R. P. Freeman-Lynde, Cita, M. B., Jadoul, F., Miller, E. L., and Ryan, W. B. F., Marine geology of the Bahama Escarpment, Marine Geology, vol. 44, pp. 119–156, 1981.
O. Brevart, Dupre, B., and Allegre, C. J., Metallogenesis at spreading centers: Lead isotope systematics for sulfides, manganese-rich crusts, basalts, and sediments from the Cyamex and Alvin areas (East Pacific Rise), Economic Geology, vol. 76, pp. 1205–1210, 1981.
H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., Morphological survey of microbial mats near deep-sea thermal vents, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 41, pp. 528–538, 1981.
E. M. Burreson, A new deep-sea leech, Bathybdella sawyeri , n.gen., n.sp., from thermal vent areas on the Galapagos Rift, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vol. 94, pp. 483–491, 1981.
A. C. Hine, Wilber, R. J., Bane, J. M., Neumann, A. C., and Lorenson, K. R., Offbank transport of carbonate sands along open, leeward bank margins: Northern Bahamas., Marine Geology, vol. 42, pp. 327–348, 1981.
P. Vidal and Clauer, N., Pb and Sr Isotopic Systematics of Some Basalts and Sulfides From the East Pacific Rise at 21 degrees N (Project RITA), Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 55, pp. 237–246, 1981.
D. K. Hubbard, Suchanek, T. H., Gill, I. P., Cowper, S., Ogden, J. C., Westerfield, J. R., and Bayes, J., Preliminary studies of the fate of shallow-water detritus in the basin north of St. Croix, U.S.V.I., in Reef and Man: Proceedings of the Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila, Philippines, 18-22 May 1981, vol. 1, E. D. Gomez, Ed. Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines, Marine Sciences Center, 1981, pp. 383–388.
C. M. Cavanaugh, Gardiner, S. L., Jones, M. L., Jannasch, H. W., and Waterbury, J. B., Prokaryotic cells in the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila Jones: possible chemoautotrophic symbionts, Science, vol. 213, pp. 340–341, 1981.
V. T. Bowen and Livingston, H. D., Radionuclide distribution in sediment cores retrieved from marine radioactive waste dumpsites, in Impacts of Radionuclide Releases into the Marine Environment: Proceedings of an International Symposium on the Impacts of Radionuclide Releases into the Marine Environment, Vienna, Austria: International Atomic Energy Agency, 1981, pp. 33–63.
K. L. Smith and Laver, M. B., Respiration of the bathypelagic fish Cyclothone acclinidens, Marine Biology, vol. 61, pp. 261–266, 1981.
T. J. van Andel, Science at sea: Tales of an old ocean. San Francisco, Calif.: W.H. Freeman, 1981, p. 198.
L. Pastouret, Submersible structural study of Tamayo transform fault: East Pacific Rise, 23 degrees N (project RITA), Marine Geophysical Researches, vol. 4, pp. 345–379, 1981.
C. Simon, Vent fish: Alvin's unexpected catch, Science News, vol. 120, p. 374, 1981.
K. Crane and Ballard, R. D., Volcanics and structure of the FAMOUS Narrowgate Rift: Evidence for cyclic evolution: AMAR 1, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 86, pp. 5112–5124, 1981.
A. C. Neumann, Waulsortian mounds and lithoherms compared, AAPG Bulletin, vol. 65, p. 965, 1981.
A. G. Sharp, Weight and stability of DSRV Alvin: 1980, vol. 2-81. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1981, p. var. p.
