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D. J. Fornari, Haymon, R. M., Perfit, M. R., Gregg, T. K. P., and Edwards, M. H., Axial summit trough of the east Pacific Rise 9 degrees -10 degrees N: geological characteristics and evolution of the axial zone on fast spreading mid-ocean ridges, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 103, pp. 9827–9855, 1998.
G. J. Kurras, Edwards, M. H., and Fornari, D. J., High-resoluion bathymetry of the East Pacific Rise axial summit trough 9 degrees 49'-51'N: a compilation of Alvin scanning sonar and altimetry data from 1991-1995, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 25, pp. 1209–1212, 1998.
D. J. Fornari, Kurras, G., Edwards, M., Spencer, W., and Hersey, B., Mapping volcanic morphology on the crest of the East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 49'-52'N using the WHOI towed camera system: a versatile new digital camera sled for seafloor mapping, BRIDGE Newsletter, pp. 4–12, 1998.
R. Bachmayer, Humphris, S. E., Fornari, D. J., Van Dover, C. L., Howland, J., Bowen, A., Elder, R., Crook, T., Gleason, D. E., Sellers, W., and Lerner, S., Oceanographic research using remotely operated underwater robotic vehicles: exploration of hydrothermal vent sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37 North 32 West, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 32, pp. 37–47, 1998.
R. A. Sohn, Fornari, D. J., Von Damm, K. L., Hildebrand, J. A., and Webb, S. C., Seismic and hydrothermal evidence for a cracking event on the East Pacific Rise at 9 degrees 50'N, Nature, vol. 396, pp. 159–161, 1998.
T. M. Shank, Fornari, D. J., Von Damm, K. L., Lilley, M. D., Haymon, R. M., and Lutz, R. A., Temporal and spatial patterns of biological community development at nascent deep-sea hydrothermal vents (9 degrees 50'N, East Pacific Rise), Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 465–515, 1998.
D. J. Fornari, Shank, T. M., Von Damm, K. L., Gregg, T. K. P., Lilley, M., Levai, G., Bray, A., Haymon, R. M., Perfit, M. R., and Lutz, R., Time-series temperature measurements at high-temperature hydrothermal vents, East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 49'-51'N; evidence for monitoring a crustal cracking event, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 160, pp. 419–431, 1998.
