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G. Panieri, Aharon, P., Gupta, B. K. Sen, Camerlenghi, A., Ferrer, F. P., and Cacho, I., Late Holocene Foraminifera of Blake Ridge Diapir: Assemblage Variation and Stable-Isotope Record in gas-hydrate bearing sediments, Marine Geology, vol. 353, pp. 99–107, 2014.
J. Li, Zhou, H., Fang, J., Sun, Y., and Dasgupta, S., Microbial distribution in different spatial positions within the walls of a black sulfide hydrothermal chimney, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 508, pp. 67–85, 2014.
A. Gartman, Findlay, A. J., and Luther, G. W., Nanoparticulate pyrite and other nanoparticles are a widespread component of hydrothermal vent black smoker emissions, Chemical Geology, vol. 366, pp. 32–41, 2014.
Y. Hu, Feng, D., Peckmann, J., Roberts, H. H., and Chen, D., New insights into cerium anomalies and mechanisms of trace metal enrichment in authigenic carbonate from hydrocarbon seeps, Chemical Geology, vol. 381, pp. 55–66, 2014.
A. M. Quattrini, Etnoyer, P. J., Doughty, C., English, L., Falco, R., Remon, N., Rittinghouse, M., and Cordes, E. E., A phylogenetic approach to octocoral community structure in the deep Gulf of Mexico, Biology and Geology of Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, vol. 99, pp. 92–102, 2014.
I. Ferrera, Banta, A. B., and Reysenbach, A. - L., Spatial patterns of Aquificales in deep-sea vents along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (SW Pacific), SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 37, pp. 442–448, 2014.
E. L. Becker, Cordes, E. E., Macko, S. A., Lee, R. W., and Fisher, C. R., Spatial patterns of tissue stable isotope contents give insight into the nutritional sources for seep communities on the Gulf of Mexico lower slope, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 498, pp. 133–U481, 2014.
I. Eichinger, Schmitz-Esser, S., Schmid, M., Fisher, C. R., and Bright, M., Symbiont-driven sulfur crystal formation in a thiotrophic symbiosis from deep-sea hydrocarbon seeps, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS, vol. 6, pp. 364–372, 2014.
D. Feng, Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Roberts, H. H., Joye, S. B., Sassen, R., Liu, X. - L., Hinrichs, K. - U., and Chen, D., Time integrated variation of sources of fluids and seepage dynamics archived in authigenic carbonates from Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory, Chemical Geology, vol. 385, pp. 129–139, 2014.
T. Baumberger, Lilley, M. D., Resing, J. A., Lupton, J. E., Baker, E. T., Butterfield, D. A., Olson, E. J., and Fruh-Green, G. L., Understanding a submarine eruption through time series hydrothermal plume sampling of dissolved and particulate constituents: West Mata, 2008-2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 15, pp. 4631–4650, 2014.
L. Fu, He, Y., Xu, F., Ma, Q., Wang, F., and Xu, J., Characterization of a novel thermostable patatin-like protein from a Guaymas basin metagenomic library, EXTREMOPHILES, vol. 19, pp. 829–840, 2015.
E. K. Field, Sczyrba, A., Lyman, A. E., Harris, C. C., Woyke, T., Stepanauskas, R., and Emerson, D., Genomic insights into the uncultivated marine Zetaproteobacteria at Loihi Seamount, ISME JOURNAL, vol. 9, pp. 857–870, 2015.
H. Zhang, Johnson, S. B., Flores, V. R., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Intergradation between discrete lineages of Tevnia jerichonana, a deep-sea hydrothermal vent tubeworm, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 121, pp. 53–61, 2015.
N. L. Forget, Perez, M., and S Juniper, K., Molecular study of bacterial diversity within the trophosome of the vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae, MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE, vol. 36, pp. 35–44, 2015.
C. E. J. de Ronde, Chadwick, W. W., Ditchburn, R. G., Embley, R. W., Tunnicliffe, V., Baker, E. T., Walker, S. L., Ferrini, V. L., and Merle, S. M., Molten sulfur lakes of intraoceanic arc volcanoes, in Volcanic Lakes, D. Rouwet, Ed. Springer, 2015.
K. Faak, Coogan, L. A., and Chakraborty, S., Near conductive cooling rates in the upper-plutonic section of crust formed at the East Pacific Rise, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 423, pp. 36–47, 2015.
S. Gollner, Govenar, B., Fisher, C. R., and Bright, M., Size matters at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: different diversity and habitat fidelity patterns of meio- and macrofauna, MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, vol. 520, pp. 57–66, 2015.
A. J. Findlay, Gartman, A., Shaw, T. J., and Luther, G. W., Trace metal concentration and partitioning in the first 1.5 m of hydrothermal vent plumes along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: TAG, Snakepit, and Rainbow, Chemical Geology, vol. 412, pp. 117–131, 2015.
B. W. Govenar, Fisher, C. R., and Shank, T. M., Variation in the diets of hydrothermal vent gastropods, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 121, pp. 193–201, 2015.
W. A. Maher, Duncan, E., Dilly, G., Foster, S., Krikowa, F., Lombi, E., Scheckel, K., and Girguis, P., Arsenic concentrations and species in three hydrothermal vent worms, Ridgeia piscesae, Paralvinella sulficola and Paralvinella palmiformis, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 116, pp. 41–48, 2016.
B. Gueguen, Rouxel, O. J., Rouget, M. - L., Bollinger, C., Ponzevera, E., Germain, Y., and Fouquet, Y., Comparative geochemistry of four ferromanganese crusts from the Pacific Ocean and significance for the use of Ni isotopes as paleoceanographic tracers, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 189, pp. 214–235, 2016.
R. E. Thresher, Fallon, S. J., and Townsend, A. T., A “core-top” screen for trace element proxies of environmental conditions and growth rates in the calcite skeletons of bamboo corals (Isididae), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 193, pp. 75–99, 2016.
N. M. Neira, Clark, J. F., Fisher, A. T., Wheat, C. G., Haymon, R. M., and Becker, K., Cross-hole tracer experiment reveals rapid fluid flow and low effective porosity in the upper oceanic crust, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 450, pp. 355–365, 2016.
F. C. Tontini, Crone, T. J., de Ronde, C. E. J., Fornari, D. J., Kinsey, J. C., Mittelstaedt, E., and Tivey, M. K., Crustal magnetization and the subseafloor structure of the ASHES vent field, Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Implications for the investigation of hydrothermal sites, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, pp. 6205–6211, 2016.
P. Martin, Goodkin, N. F., Stewart, J. A., Foster, G. L., Sikes, E. L., White, H. K., Hennige, S., and Roberts, J. M., Deep-sea coral $δ$13C: A tool to reconstruct the difference between seawater pH and $δ$11B-derived calcifying fluid pH, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 43, pp. 299–308, 2016.
