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J. C. Kinsey, Yoerger, D. R., Jakuba, M. V., Camilli, R., Fisher, C. R., and German, C. R., Assessing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with the Sentry autonomous underwater vehicle, 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 261–267, 2011.
R. Schauer, Roy, H., Augustin, N., Gennerich, H. - H., Peters, M., Wenzhoefer, F., Amann, R., and Meyerdierks, A., Bacterial sulfur cycling shapes microbial communities in surface sediments of an ultramafic hydrothermal vent field, ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, vol. 13, pp. 2633–2648, 2011.
M. Grinar, A characterization of a hydrothermal vent community from a diffuse flow vertical wall of "The tower" sulfide edifice at the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Temple University, 2011.
J. M. Gieskes, Rathburn, A. E., Martin, J. B., Perez, M. E., Mahn, C., Bernhard, J. M., and Day, S., Cold seeps in Monterey Bay, California: Geochemistry of pore waters and relationship to benthic foraminiferal calcite, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 26, pp. 738–746, 2011.
W. Xie, Wang, F., Guo, L., Chen, Z., Sievert, S. M., Meng, J., Huang, G., Li, Y., Yan, Q., Wu, S., Wang, X., Chen, S., He, G., Xiao, X., and Xu, A., Comparative metagenomics of microbial communities inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimneys with contrasting chemistries, ISME JOURNAL, vol. 5, pp. 414–426, 2011.
H. - H. Gennerich and Villinger, H., Deciphering the ocean bottom pressure variation in the Logatchev hydrothermal field at the eastern flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 12, 2011.
S. A. Bennett, Statham, P. J., Green, D. R. H., Le Bris, N., McDermott, J. M., Prado, F., Rouxel, O. J., Von Damm, K. L., and German, C. R., Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in hydrothermal plumes from the East Pacific Rise, 9 degrees 50′N, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 58, pp. 922–931, 2011.
S. A. Bennett, Statham, P. J., Green, D. R. H., Le Bris, N., McDermott, J. M., Prado, F., Rouxel, O. J., Von Damm, K. L., and German, C. R., Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in hydrothermal plumes from the East Pacific Rise, 9 degrees 50′N, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 58, pp. 922–931, 2011.
D. K. Blackman, Ildefonse, B., John, B. E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D. J., Abe, N., Abratis, M., Andal, E. S., Andreani, M., Awaji, S., Beard, J. S., Brunelli, D., Charney, A. B., Christie, D. M., Collins, J., Delacour, A. G., Delius, H., Drouin, M., Einaudi, F., Escartin, J., Frost, B. R., Frueh-Green, G., Fryer, P. B., Gee, J. S., Godard, M., Grimes, C. B., Halfpenny, A., Hansen, H. - E., Harris, A. C., Tamura, A., Hayman, N. W., Hellebrand, E., Hirose, T., Hirth, J. G., Ishimaru, S., Johnson, K. T. M., Karner, G. D., Linek, M., MacLeod, C. J., Maeda, J., Mason, O. U., McCaig, A. M., Michibayashi, K., Morris, A., Nakagawa, T., Nozaka, T., Rosner, M., Searle, R. C., Suhr, G., Tominaga, M., von der Handt, A., Yamasaki, T., and Zhao, X., Drilling constraints on lithospheric accretion and evolution at Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30 degrees N, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 116, pp. B07103–B07103, 2011.
D. K. Blackman, Ildefonse, B., John, B. E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D. J., Abe, N., Abratis, M., Andal, E. S., Andreani, M., Awaji, S., Beard, J. S., Brunelli, D., Charney, A. B., Christie, D. M., Collins, J., Delacour, A. G., Delius, H., Drouin, M., Einaudi, F., Escartin, J., Frost, B. R., Frueh-Green, G., Fryer, P. B., Gee, J. S., Godard, M., Grimes, C. B., Halfpenny, A., Hansen, H. - E., Harris, A. C., Tamura, A., Hayman, N. W., Hellebrand, E., Hirose, T., Hirth, J. G., Ishimaru, S., Johnson, K. T. M., Karner, G. D., Linek, M., MacLeod, C. J., Maeda, J., Mason, O. U., McCaig, A. M., Michibayashi, K., Morris, A., Nakagawa, T., Nozaka, T., Rosner, M., Searle, R. C., Suhr, G., Tominaga, M., von der Handt, A., Yamasaki, T., and Zhao, X., Drilling constraints on lithospheric accretion and evolution at Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30 degrees N, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 116, pp. B07103–B07103, 2011.
D. K. Blackman, Ildefonse, B., John, B. E., Ohara, Y., Miller, D. J., Abe, N., Abratis, M., Andal, E. S., Andreani, M., Awaji, S., Beard, J. S., Brunelli, D., Charney, A. B., Christie, D. M., Collins, J., Delacour, A. G., Delius, H., Drouin, M., Einaudi, F., Escartin, J., Frost, B. R., Frueh-Green, G., Fryer, P. B., Gee, J. S., Godard, M., Grimes, C. B., Halfpenny, A., Hansen, H. - E., Harris, A. C., Tamura, A., Hayman, N. W., Hellebrand, E., Hirose, T., Hirth, J. G., Ishimaru, S., Johnson, K. T. M., Karner, G. D., Linek, M., MacLeod, C. J., Maeda, J., Mason, O. U., McCaig, A. M., Michibayashi, K., Morris, A., Nakagawa, T., Nozaka, T., Rosner, M., Searle, R. C., Suhr, G., Tominaga, M., von der Handt, A., Yamasaki, T., and Zhao, X., Drilling constraints on lithospheric accretion and evolution at Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30 degrees N, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 116, pp. B07103–B07103, 2011.
A. J. Pietruszka, Keyes, M. J., Duncan, J. A., Hauri, E. H., Carlson, R. W., and Garcia, M. O., Excesses of seawater-derived 234U in volcanic glasses from Loihi Seamount due to crustal contamination, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 304, pp. 280–289, 2011.
R. E. Thresher, Adkins, J., Fallon, S. J., Gowlett-Holmes, K., Althaus, F., and Williams, A., Extraordinarily high biomass benthic community on Southern Ocean seamounts, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 1, 2011.
K. Schmidt, Garbe-Schonberg, D., Koschinsky, A., Strauss, H., Jost, C. L., Klevenz, V., and Koniger, P., Fluid elemental and stable isotope composition of the Nibelungen hydrothermal field (8 degrees18'S, Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Constraints on fluid-rock interaction in heterogeneous lithosphere, Chemical Geology, vol. 280, pp. 1–18, 2011.
M. Yucel, Gartman, A., Chan, C. S., and Luther, G. W., Hydrothermal vents as a kinetically stable source of iron-sulphide-bearing nanoparticles to the ocean, Nature Geoscience, vol. 4, pp. 367–371, 2011.
F. U. Zielinski, Gennerich, H. - H., Borowski, C., Wenzhoefer, F., and Dubilier, N., In situ measurements of hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, and temperature in diffuse fluids of an ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal vent field (Logatchev, 14 degrees 45 ` N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Implications for chemosymbiotic bathymodiolin mussels, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, vol. 12, 2011.
M. G. Gross, Seabed search boost, Current Biology, vol. 21, pp. R94–R95, 2011.
A. Gartman, Yucel, M., Madison, A. S., Chu, D. W., Ma, S., Janzen, C. P., Becker, E. L., Beinart, R. A., Girguis, P. R., and Luther, G. W., Sulfide Oxidation across Diffuse Flow Zones of Hydrothermal Vents, Aquatic Geochemistry, vol. 17, pp. 583–601, 2011.
A. Gartman, Yucel, M., Madison, A. S., Chu, D. W., Ma, S., Janzen, C. P., Becker, E. L., Beinart, R. A., Girguis, P. R., and Luther, G. W., Sulfide Oxidation across Diffuse Flow Zones of Hydrothermal Vents, Aquatic Geochemistry, vol. 17, pp. 583–601, 2011.
D. K. Adams, McGillicuddy, D. J., Zamudio, L., Thurnherr, A. M., Liang, X., Rouxel, O. J., German, C. R., and Mullineaux, L. S., Surface-generated mesoscale eddies transport deep-sea products from hydrothermal vents, Science, vol. 332, pp. 580–583, 2011.
G. W. Luther, Findlay, A. J., MacDonald, D. J., Owings, S. M., Hanson, T. E., Beinart, R. A., and Girguis, P. R., Thermodynamics and kinetics of sulfide oxidation by oxygen: a look at inorganically controlled reactions and biologically mediated processes in the environment, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 2, p. 62, 2011.
