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R. Bachmayer, Humphris, S. E., Fornari, D. J., Van Dover, C. L., Howland, J., Bowen, A., Elder, R., Crook, T., Gleason, D. E., Sellers, W., and Lerner, S., Oceanographic research using remotely operated underwater robotic vehicles: exploration of hydrothermal vent sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37 North 32 West, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 32, pp. 37–47, 1998.
R. Bachmayer, Humphris, S. E., Fornari, D. J., Van Dover, C. L., Howland, J., Bowen, A., Elder, R., Crook, T., Gleason, D. E., Sellers, W., and Lerner, S., Oceanographic research using remotely operated underwater robotic vehicles: exploration of hydrothermal vent sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37 North 32 West, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 32, pp. 37–47, 1998.
R. A. Sohn, Fornari, D. J., Von Damm, K. L., Hildebrand, J. A., and Webb, S. C., Seismic and hydrothermal evidence for a cracking event on the East Pacific Rise at 9 degrees 50'N, Nature, vol. 396, pp. 159–161, 1998.
T. M. Shank, Fornari, D. J., Von Damm, K. L., Lilley, M. D., Haymon, R. M., and Lutz, R. A., Temporal and spatial patterns of biological community development at nascent deep-sea hydrothermal vents (9 degrees 50'N, East Pacific Rise), Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 45, pp. 465–515, 1998.
J. F. Holden, Summit, M., and Baross, J. A., Thermophilic and hyperthermophilic microorganisms in 3–30°C hydrothermal fluids following a deep-sea volcanic eruption, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, vol. 25, pp. 33–41, 1998.
D. J. Fornari, Shank, T. M., Von Damm, K. L., Gregg, T. K. P., Lilley, M., Levai, G., Bray, A., Haymon, R. M., Perfit, M. R., and Lutz, R., Time-series temperature measurements at high-temperature hydrothermal vents, East Pacific Rise 9 degrees 49'-51'N; evidence for monitoring a crustal cracking event, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 160, pp. 419–431, 1998.
K. M. Halanych, Tieger, M., O'Mullan, G. D., Lutz, R. A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Brief description of biological communities at 7 degrees S on the East Pacific Rise, InterRidge News, vol. 8, pp. 23–27, 1999.
M. Yanagibayashi, Kato, C., Li, L., Nogi, Y., Inada, T., Taira, K., Kikuma, T., Suzuki, K., and Horikoshi, K., Changes in bacterial community in Japan Trench sediment during cultivation without decompression, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 553–560, 1999.
J. R. Cochran, Fornari, D. J., Coakley, B. J., Herr, R., and Tivey, M. A., Continuous near-bottom gravity measurements made with a BGM-3 gravimeter in DSV Alvin on the East Pacific Rise crest near 9 degrees 31 degrees N and 9 degrees 50'N, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 104, pp. 10,810–841,861, 1999.
J. C. Howland, Singh, H., Marra, M., and Potter, D., Digital mosaicking of underwater imagery, Sea Technology, vol. 40, pp. 65–69, 1999.
J. Hashimoto, Ota, S., Auzende, J. M., Fiala-Medioni, A., Miura, T., Nishimura, K., Malagun, S., Kikuchi, T., and Ishibashi, J., Hydrothermal vent communities in the PACMANUS site, Manus Basin. Results of the BIOACCESS Cruise '96 in the Manus Basin, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 91–102, 1999.
M. Hattori and Okano, M., In situ sea bottom Gamma ray surveys by manned submersibles and ROV, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 639–660, 1999.
J. A. Karson, Hurst, S. D., Klein, E. M., and Party, H. Deep '99 S., Large-scale Argo II digital images of upper crustal structures at Hess Deep, RIDGE Events, vol. 10, pp. 29–32, 1999.
H. Singh, Weyer, F., Howland, J., Duester, A., Yoerger, D. R., and Bradley, A., Quantitative stereo imaging from the Autonomous Benthic Explorer (ABE), in Oceans '99 MTS/IEEE: Riding the crest into the 21st century, vol. 1, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 1999, pp. 52–57.
S. Hirano, Ogawa, Y., Yujiro, F., Fujioka, K., and Kawamura, K., Temporal changes of cracks in the oceanward slope of northern Japan Trench off Sanriku: Six-year observation by submersibles, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 445–454, 1999.
L. Whitcomb, Yoerger, D. R., Singh, H., and Howland, J., Advances in underwater robot vehicles for deep ocean exploration: Navigation, control, and survey operations, in Robotics research: the Ninth International Symposium, J. M. Hollerbach, Ed. New York: Springer, 2000, pp. 1–9.
L. Whitcomb, Yoerger, D. R., Singh, H., and Howland, J., Advances in underwater robot vehicles for deep ocean exploration: Navigation, control, and survey operations, in Robotics research: the Ninth International Symposium, J. M. Hollerbach, Ed. New York: Springer, 2000, pp. 1–9.
S. Revillon, Hallot, E., Arndt, N. T., Chauvel, C., and Duncan, R. A., A complex history for the Caribbean Plateau; petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Beata Ridge, South Hispaniola, Journal of Geology, vol. 108, pp. 641–661, 2000.
S. E. Humphris and Cann, J. R., Constraints on the energy and chemical balances of the modern TAG and ancient Cyprus seafloor sulfide deposits, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 105, pp. 28,428–477,488, 2000.
R. Hekinian, Pineau, F., Shilobreeva, S., Bideau, D., Gracia, E., and Javoy, M., Deep sea explosive activity on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 34 degrees 50'N; magma composition, vesicularity and volatile content, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 98, pp. 49–77, 2000.
H. P. Johnson, Hutnak, M., Dziak, R. P., Fox, C. G., Urcuyo, I., Cowen, J. P., Nabelek, J., and Fisher, C. R., Earthquake-induced changes in a hydrothermal system on the Juan de Fuca mid-ocean ridge, Nature, vol. 407, pp. 174–177, 2000.
C. A. Di Meo, Wilbur, A. E., Holben, W. E., Feldman, R. A., Vrijenhoek, R. C., and Cary, S. C., Genetic variation among endosymbionts of widely distributed vestimentiferan tubeworms, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 66, pp. 651–658, 2000.
R. Butler, Chave, A. D., Duennebier, F. K., Yoerger, D. R., Petitt, R., Harris, D., Wooding, F. B., Bowen, A. D., Bailey, J., Jolly, J., Hobart, E., Hildebrand, J. A., and Dodeman, A. H., Hawaii-2 Observatory pioneers opportunities for remote instrumentation in ocean studies, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 81, pp. 157,162–163, 2000.
R. Butler, Chave, A. D., Duennebier, F. K., Yoerger, D. R., Petitt, R., Harris, D., Wooding, F. B., Bowen, A. D., Bailey, J., Jolly, J., Hobart, E., Hildebrand, J. A., and Dodeman, A. H., Hawaii-2 Observatory pioneers opportunities for remote instrumentation in ocean studies, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 81, pp. 157,162–163, 2000.
R. Butler, Chave, A. D., Duennebier, F. K., Yoerger, D. R., Petitt, R., Harris, D., Wooding, F. B., Bowen, A. D., Bailey, J., Jolly, J., Hobart, E., Hildebrand, J. A., and Dodeman, A. H., Hawaii-2 Observatory pioneers opportunities for remote instrumentation in ocean studies, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 81, pp. 157,162–163, 2000.
