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J. M. Edmond, Von Damm, K. L., McDuff, R. E., and Measures, C. I., Chemistry of hot springs on the East Pacific Rise and their effluent dispersal, Nature, vol. 297, pp. 187–191, 1982.
R. D. Ballard, van Andel, T. H., and Holcomb, R. T., The Galapagos Rift at 86 degrees W: 5, Variations in volcanism, structure, and hydrothermal activity along a 30-kilometer segment of the rift valley, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 87, pp. 1149–1161, 1982.
L. Pastouret, Auffret, G. A., Auzende, J. M., Beuzart, P., Dubois, P., Seguret, M., Sigal, J., and Vanney, J. R., Geologie du canyon Shamrock, marge Armoricaine (Atlantique du N.E.), in Processus geodynamiques observes en submersible: Geodynamic processes observed from a submersible: Seminaire du 2 avril 1982, J. R. Vanney, Ed. Paris, France: Institut Oceanographique, 1982, pp. 683–710.
L. Pastouret, Auffret, G. A., Auzende, J. M., Beuzart, P., Dubois, P., Seguret, M., Sigal, J., and Vanney, J. R., Geologie du canyon Shamrock, marge Armoricaine (Atlantique du N.E.), in Processus geodynamiques observes en submersible: Geodynamic processes observed from a submersible: Seminaire du 2 avril 1982, J. R. Vanney, Ed. Paris, France: Institut Oceanographique, 1982, pp. 683–710.
J. - R. Vanney and Gennesseaux, M., Processus geodynamiques observes en submersible: Geodynamic processes observed from a submersible: Seminaire du 2 avril 1982. Paris, France: Institut Oceanographique, 1982, p. 40.
G. A. Auffret, Auzende, J. M., Gennesseaux, M., Monti, S., Pastouret, L., Pautot, G., and Vanney, J. R., Recent mass wasting processes on the Provencal margin (western Mediterranean), in Marine slides and other mass movements, S. E. Saxov, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1982, pp. 53–58.
W. D. Nesteroff, Subsidence et sedimentation actuelles dans la fosse de Porto-Rico, in Processus geodynamiques observes en submersible: Geodynamic processes observed from a submersible: Seminaire du 2 avril 1982, J. R. Vanney, Ed. Paris, France: Institut Oceanographique, 1982.
T. S. Bowers, Von Damm, K. L., and Edmond, J. M., Chemical evolution of mid-ocean ridge hot springs, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 49, pp. 2239–2252, 1983.
K. L. Von Damm, Chemistry of submarine hydrothermal solutions at 21 degrees North, East Pacific Rise and Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 1983.
J. M. Edmond and Von Damm, K. L., Hot springs on the ocean floor, Scientific American, vol. 248, pp. 78–93, 1983.
N. A. Van Wagoner and Johnson, H. P., Magnetic properties of three segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37 degrees N: FAMOUS, Narrowgate, and AMAR; AMAR 2, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 88, pp. 5065–5082, 1983.
K. L. Von Damm, Grant, B., and Edmond, J. M., Preliminary report on the chemistry of hydrothermal solutions at 21 degrees N East Pacific Rise, in Hydrothermal processes at seafloor spreading centers, P. A. Rona, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1983, pp. 359–389.
J. M. Edmond and Von Damm, K. L., Chemistry of ridge crest hot springs, in Hydrothermal vents of the Eastern Pacific: An overview, M. L. Jones, Ed. Vienna, Va.: INFAX, 1985, pp. 43–47.
K. L. Von Damm, Edmond, J. M., Grant, B., Measures, C. I., Walden, B., and Weiss, R. F., Chemistry of submarine hydrothermal solutions at 21 degrees N, East Pacific Rise, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 49, pp. 2197–2220, 1985.
K. L. Von Damm, Edmond, J. M., Measures, C. I., and Grant, B., Chemistry of submarine hydrothermal solutions at Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 49, pp. 2221–2237, 1985.
