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C. L. Van Dover, Kaartvedt, S., Bollens, S. M., Wiebe, P. H., Martin, J. W., and France, S. C., Deep-sea amphipod swarms, Nature, vol. 358, pp. 25–26, 1992.
R. Haymon, Fornari, D. J., Lutz, R., Perfit, M., Macdonald, K., Von Damm, K. L., Lilley, M., Shanks, W. C., Nelson, D., Edwards, M., Kappus, M., Colodner, D., Wright, D., Scherier, D., Black, M., Edmonds, H., Olson, E., and Geiselman, T., Dramatic short-term changes observed during March '92 to April '91 eruption site on the East Pacific Rise crest 9 45-52'N, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
S. C. France, Hessler, R. R., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Genetic differentiation between spatially-disjunct populations of the deep-sea, hydrothermal vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris, Marine Biology, vol. 114, pp. 551–559, 1992.
K. L. Von Damm, Colodner, D. C., and Edmonds, H. N., Hydrothermal fluid chemistry at 9-10 degrees N EPR '92: Big changes and still changing, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
K. L. Von Damm, Short term variability, phase separation and water-rock reaction in hydrothermal fluids from 9-10N, East Pacific Rise, in Water-rock Interaction: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction: WRI-7, Park City, Utah, USA, 13-18 July 1992, Y. K. Kharaka, Ed. Rotterdam; Brookfield, Vt.: A.A. Balkema, 1992, pp. 1679–1680.
W. C. Shanks, Böhlke, J. K., and Von Damm, K. L., Stable isotope variations in vent fluids on short time scales: Observations at the 1991 eruption site on the EPR at 9 degrees 33-52'N, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
M. D. Lilley, Olson, E. J., Lupton, J. E., and Von Damm, K. L., Volatiles in the 9N hydrothermal system: a comparison of 1991 and 1992 data, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 73, p. 524, 1992.
D. J. Colodner, Lin, J., VonDamm, K., Buttermore, L. G., Kozlowski, R., Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., and Wilson, C., Chemistry of Lucky Strike fluids: Initial results, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 99, 1993.
C. R. Fisher, Brooks, J. M., Vodenichar, J. S., Zande, J. M., Childress, J. J., and Burke, R. A., The co-occurrence of methanotrophic and chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing symbionts in a deep-sea mussel, Marine Ecology, vol. 14, pp. 277–289, 1993.
C. L. Van Dover, Depths of ignorance, Discover, vol. 14, pp. 37–39, 1993.
C. H. Langmuir, Fornari, D. J., Colodner, D., Charlou, J. L., Costa, I., Desbruyeres, D., Desonie, D., Emerson, T., Fiala-Medioni, A., Fouquet, Y., Humphris, S. E., Saldanha, L., Sours-Page, R., Thatcher, M., Tivey, M., Van Dover, C. L., Von Damm, K. L., Wiese, K., and Wilson, C., Geological setting and characteristics of the Lucky Strike vent field at 37 degrees 17'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 99, 1993.
C. H. Langmuir, Fornari, D. J., Colodner, D., Charlou, J. L., Costa, I., Desbruyeres, D., Desonie, D., Emerson, T., Fiala-Medioni, A., Fouquet, Y., Humphris, S. E., Saldanha, L., Sours-Page, R., Thatcher, M., Tivey, M., Van Dover, C. L., Von Damm, K. L., Wiese, K., and Wilson, C., Geological setting and characteristics of the Lucky Strike vent field at 37 degrees 17'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 99, 1993.
K. G. Bemis, Von Herzen, R. P., and Mottl, M. J., Geothermal heat flux from hydrothermal plumes on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98, pp. 6351–6365, 1993.
J. W. Martin, France, S. C., and Van Dover, C. L., Halice hesmonectes, a new species of pardaliscid amphipod (Crustacea, Peracarida) from hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific, Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol. 71, pp. 1724–1732, 1993.
H. P. Johnson, Becker, K., and Von Herzen, R. P., Near-axis heat flow measurements on the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: implications for fluid circulation in oceanic crust, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1875–1878, 1993.
G. M. McMurty, Sedwick, P. N., Fryer, P., VonderHaar, D. L., and Yeh, H. W., Unusual geochemistry of hydrothermal vents on submarine arc volcanoes: Kasuga Seamounts, Northern Mariana Arc, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 114, pp. 517–528, 1993.
R. Haymon, Fornari, D. J., Von Damm, K. L., Lilley, M., Perfit, M., Edmond, J., Shanks, W., Lutz, R., Grebmeier, J. M., Carbotte, S., Wright, D., McLaughlin, E., Smith, M., Beedle, N., and Olson, E., Volcanic eruption of the mid-ocean ridge along the East Pacific Rise crest at 9 degrees 45-52'N: Direct submersible observations of seafloor phenomena associated with an eruption event in April 1991, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 119, pp. 85–101, 1993.
S. Kaartvedt, Van Dover, C. L., Mullineaux, L. S., Wiebe, P. H., and Bollens, S., Amphipods on a deep-sea hydrothermal treadmill, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 41, pp. 179–195, 1994.
K. L. Von Damm, Oosting, S. E., and Buttermore, L. G., Chemical evolution of hydrothermal fluids at 9-10N EPR since the 1991 eruption: 1994 results, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 75, p. 618, 1994.
R. A. Lutz and Voight, J. R., Close encounter in the deep, Nature, vol. 371, p. 563, 1994.
K. M. Scott, Fisher, C. R., Vodenichar, J. S., Nix, E., and Minnich, E., Effects of inorganic carbon concentrations, pH, and temperature on autotrophic carbon fixation by the chemoautotrophic symbionts of Riftia pachyptila, Physiological Zoology, vol. 67, pp. 617–638, 1994.
U. Ginster, Mottl, M. J., and Von Herzen, R. P., Heat flux from black smokers on the Endeavour and Cleft segments, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 99, pp. 4937–4950, 1994.
C. L. Van Dover, In situ spawning of hydrothermal vent tubeworms (Riftia pachyptila), Biological Bulletin, vol. 186, pp. 134–135, 1994.
S. D. Hurst, Karson, J. A., and Verosub, K. L., Paleomagnetism of tilted dikes in fast spread oceanic crust exposed in the Hess Deep Rift: implications for spreading and rift propagation, Tectonics, vol. 13, pp. 789–802, 1994.
R. A. Lutz, Shank, T. M., Fornari, D. J., Haymon, R. M., Lilley, M. D., Von Damm, K. L., and Desbruyeres, D., Rapid growth at deep-sea vents, Nature, vol. 371, pp. 663–664, 1994.
