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H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., Alvin and the sandwich, Oceanus, vol. 16, pp. 20–22, 1972.
C. O. Wirsen and Jannasch, H. W., Decomposition of solid organic materials in the deep sea, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 10, pp. 880–886, 1976.
H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., Microbial life in the deep sea, Scientific American, vol. 236, pp. 42–52, 1977.
H. W. Jannasch, Cuhel, R. L., Wirsen, C. O., and Taylor, C. D., An approach for in situ studies of deep-sea amphipods and their microbial gut flora, Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 27, pp. 867–872, 1980.
D. M. Karl, Wirsen, C. O., and Jannasch, H. W., Deep-sea primary production at the Galapagos hydrothermal vents, Science, vol. 207, pp. 1345–1347, 1980.
H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., Studies on the microbial turnover of organic substances in deep sea sediments, in Biogeochimie de la Matiere Organique a l'Interface Eau-Sediment Marin: Marseille 25-27 Avril 1979, vol. 293, R. Daumas, Ed. Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1980, pp. 289–290.
H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., Morphological survey of microbial mats near deep-sea thermal vents, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 41, pp. 528–538, 1981.
H. W. Jannasch and Wirsen, C. O., The biochemical versatility of chemosynthetic bacteria at deep sea hydrothermal vents, in Hydrothermal vents of the Eastern Pacific: An overview, M. L. Jones, Ed. Vienna, Va.: INFAX, 1985, pp. 325–334.
H. W. Jannasch, Wirsen, C. O., Nelson, D. C., and Robertson, L. A., Thiomicrospira crunogena sp. nov., a colorless sulfur-oxidizing bacterium from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 35, pp. 422–424, 1985.
