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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
R. D. Ballard, A long last look at Titanic, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 170, pp. 697–727, 1986.
J. J. Childress, Fisher, C. R., Brooks, J. M., II, K. M. C., Bidigare, R., and Anderson, A. E., A methanotrophic marine molluscan (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) symbiosis: mussels fueled by gas, Science, vol. 233, pp. 1306–1308, 1986.
S. A. Earle, Microsubmersibles: Putting more scientists in deep water, Sea Technology, vol. 27, pp. 14–21, 1986.
C. R. Smith, Nekton falls, low-intensity disturbance and community structure of infaunal benthos in the deep sea, Journal of Marine Research, vol. 44, pp. 567–600, 1986.
W. L. Stubblefield, Finkle, E. A., and De Luca, M. P., NOAA's national undersea research program, in Oceans '86 Conference Record, vol. 5, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1986, pp. 1447–1451.
M. McNutt, Nonuniform magnetization of seamounts: A least squares approach, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 91, pp. 3686–3700, 1986.
L. D. Kulm, Suess, E., Moore, J. C., Carson, B., Lewis, B. T., Ritger, S. D., Kadko, D. C., Thornburg, T. M., Embley, R. W., Rugh, W. D., Massoth, G. J., Langseth, M. G., Cochrane, G. R., and Scamman, R. L., Oregon subduction zone: venting, fauna, and carbonates, Science, vol. 231, pp. 561–566, 1986.
D. J. Stanley, Culver, S. J., and Stubblefield, W. L., Petrologic and foraminiferal evidence for active downslope transport in Wilmington Canyon, Marine Geology, vol. 69, pp. 207–218, 1986.
Picture perfect return to the R.M.S. Titanic, Sea Technology, vol. 27, pp. 19–22, 1986.
R. N. Hey, Kleinrock, M. C., Miller, S. P., Atwater, T. M., and Searle, R. C., Sea Beam/deep-tow investigation of an active oceanic propagating rift system, Galapagos 95.5 degrees W, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 91, pp. 3369–3393, 1986.
G. Fiala, Stetter, K. O., Jannasch, H. W., Langworthy, T. A., and Madon, J., Staphylothermus marinus sp. nov. represents a novel genus of extremely thermophilic submarine heterotrophic archaebacteria growing up to 98C, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, vol. 8, pp. 106–113, 1986.
U. S. Geologic Group, Normark, W. R., Morton, J. L., Bischoff, J. L., Brett, R., Holcomb, R. T., Kappel, E. S., Koski, R. A., Ross, S. L., Shanks, W. C., Slack, J. F., Von Damm, K. L., and Zierenberg, R. A., Submarine fissure eruptions and hydrothermal vents on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge; preliminary observations from the submersible Alvin, Geology, vol. 14, pp. 823–827, 1986.
K. S. Johnson, Beehler, C. L., and Sakamoto-Arnold, C. M., A submersible flow analysis system, Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 179, pp. 245–257, 1986.
A. Carranza-Edwards, Hoz, L. R., Orozco, Y. H., Cabral, M. G. V., and Cruz, R. L. Santa, Sulfuros metalicos submarinos al sur de la peninsula de Baja California, Mexico, Anales del Instituto Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México., vol. 13, pp. 287–296, 1986.
D. R. Yoerger, Newman, J. B., and Slotine, J. E., Supervisory control system for the Jason ROV, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 11, pp. 392–400, 1986.
S. Belkin, Nelson, D. C., and Jannasch, H. W., Symbiotic assimilation of CO2 in two hydrothermal vent animals, the mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus and the tube worm Riftia pachyptila, Biological Bulletin, vol. 170, pp. 110–121, 1986.
C. R. Fisher and Childress, J. J., Translocation of fixed carbon from symbiotic bacteria to host tissues in the gutless bivalve Solemya reidi, Marine Biology, vol. 93, pp. 59–68, 1986.
M. M. Gowing and Wishner, K. F., Trophic relationships of deep-sea calanoid copepods from the benthic boundary layer of the Santa Catalina Basin, California, Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 33, pp. 939–961, 1986.
J. H. Chen, Wasserburg, G. J., Von Damm, K. L., and Edmond, J. M., The U-Th-Pb systematics in hot springs on the East Pacific Rise at 21 degrees N and Guaymas Basin, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 50, pp. 2467–2479, 1986.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution management plan for the Submersible Engineering and Operations Group. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1986, p. var. p.
K. L. Smith, Carlucci, A. F., Williams, P. M., Henrichs, S. M., Baldwin, R. J., and Graven, D. B., Zooplankton and bacterioplankton of an abyssal benthic boundary layer: in situ rates of metabolism, Oceanologica Acta, vol. 9, pp. 47–55, 1986.
J. A. Karson, Thompson, G., Humphris, S. E., Edmond, J. M., Bryan, W. B., Brown, J. R., Winters, A. T., Pockalny, R. A., Casey, J. F., Campbell, A. C., Klinkhammer, G., Palmer, M. R., Kinzler, R. J., and Sulanowska, M. M., Along-axis variations in seafloor spreading in the MARK area, Nature, vol. 328, pp. 681–685, 1987.
D. S. Hosom, Forrester, N. C., and Walden, B. B., Alvin – 120 VDC/28 VDC electrical system, in Oceans '87 Proceedings: The ocean, an international workplace; Halifax, N.S. (Canada), 28 Sep-1 Oct 1987, vol. 3, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1987, pp. 1272–1277.
H. W. Jannasch, Caldwell, D. E., and Buonocore, V., Biology of geothermal environments, in Current Perspectives in Environmental Biogeochemistry, G. Giovannozzi-Sermanni, Ed. Rome: CNR-IPRA, 1987, pp. 597–601.
J. C. Borg, Birth of an island: Alvin explores the caldera of Loihi, Oceans, vol. 20, pp. 26–33, 1987.
