Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
D. J. Colodner, Lin, J., VonDamm, K., Buttermore, L. G., Kozlowski, R., Charlou, J. L., Donval, J. P., and Wilson, C., Chemistry of Lucky Strike fluids: Initial results, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 99, 1993.
C. O. Wirsen, Jannasch, H. W., and Molyneaux, S. J., Chemosynthetic microbial activity at Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent sites, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98, pp. 9693–9703, 1993.
J. B. Percival and Ames, D. E., Clay mineralogy of active hydrothermal chimneys and an associated mound, Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 31, pp. 957–971, 1993.
C. R. Fisher, Brooks, J. M., Vodenichar, J. S., Zande, J. M., Childress, J. J., and Burke, R. A., The co-occurrence of methanotrophic and chemoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing symbionts in a deep-sea mussel, Marine Ecology, vol. 14, pp. 277–289, 1993.
S. D. Hurst and Karson, J. A., Crack Structure of Seafloor Outcrops Based on Analysis of Digital Images: A New Approach to the Study of the Structure and Acoustic Properties of the Uppermost Oceanic Crust, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 306, 1993.
W. H. Garzke, Yoerger, D. R., Harris, S., Dulin, R. O., and Brown, D. K., Deep underwater exploration vehicles – past, present and future, in Centennial meeting, technical sessions, September 15-17, 1992, the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, the New York Hilton and Towers, New York, NY, Jersey City, N.J.: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1993, pp. 15–40.
J. Travis, Deep-sea debate pits Alvin against Jason, Science, vol. 259, pp. 1534–1536, 1993.
C. L. Van Dover, Depths of ignorance, Discover, vol. 14, pp. 37–39, 1993.
P. J. Ballou and Hawkes, G. S., Design study: 2-person research submersible, Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 27, pp. 3–14, 1993.
A. T. Morrison and Yoerger, D. R., Determination of the hydrodynamic parameters of an underwater vehicle during small scale nonuniform, 1-dimensional translation, in Oceans '93: Engineering in harmony with the ocean: Proceedings, vol. 2, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1993, pp. II277–II282.
M. O. Garcia, Jorgenson, B. A., Mahoney, J. J., Ito, E., and Irving, A. J., An evaluation of temporal geochemical evolution of Loihi summit lavas: results from Alvin submersible dives, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98, pp. 537–550, 1993.
L. R. Wetzel, Wiens, D. A., and Kleinrock, M. C., Evidence from earthquakes for bookshelf faulting at large non-transform ridge offsets, Nature, vol. 362, pp. 235–237, 1993.
R. D. Ballard, Fine-scale mapping programs using Jason ROV system, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 561, 1993.
R. A. Zierenberg, Koski, R. A., Morton, J. L., Bouse, R. M., and Shanks, W. C., Genesis of massive sulfide deposits on a sediment-covered spreading center, Escanaba Trough 41N, Gorda Ridge, Economic Geology, vol. 88, pp. 2069–2098, 1993.
C. R. German, Higgs, N. C., Thomson, J., Mills, R., Elderfield, H., Blusztajn, J., Fleer, A. P., and Bacon, M. P., A geochemical study of metalliferous sediment from the TAG bydrothermal mound, 26 degrees 09'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98, pp. 9683–9692, 1993.
C. H. Langmuir, Fornari, D. J., Colodner, D., Charlou, J. L., Costa, I., Desbruyeres, D., Desonie, D., Emerson, T., Fiala-Medioni, A., Fouquet, Y., Humphris, S. E., Saldanha, L., Sours-Page, R., Thatcher, M., Tivey, M., Van Dover, C. L., Von Damm, K. L., Wiese, K., and Wilson, C., Geological setting and characteristics of the Lucky Strike vent field at 37 degrees 17'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 99, 1993.
H. P. Johnson, Tivey, M. A., and Holmes, M. L., A geophysical study of a new eruption on the axial seamount segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 620, 1993.
K. G. Bemis, Von Herzen, R. P., and Mottl, M. J., Geothermal heat flux from hydrothermal plumes on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98, pp. 6351–6365, 1993.
J. W. Martin, France, S. C., and Van Dover, C. L., Halice hesmonectes, a new species of pardaliscid amphipod (Crustacea, Peracarida) from hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific, Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol. 71, pp. 1724–1732, 1993.
P. Blondel, Sempéré, J. C., Robigou, V., and Delaney, J. R., High-resolution bathymetry and geology of Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 573, 1993.
V. Robigou, Stewart, K., and Ballard, R. D., Hydrothermal vent sites in the Guaymas Basin revisited by ROV: high-precision bathymetric, geological and biological mapping, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 74, p. 573, 1993.
R. E. Kochevar, Govind, N. S., and Childress, J. J., Identification and characterization of two carbonic anhydrases from the hydrothermal vent tube-worm Riftia pachyptila Jones, Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, vol. 2, pp. 10–19, 1993.
S. C. Cary, Warren, W., Anderson, E., and Giovannoni, S. J., Identification and localization of bacterial endosymbionts in hydrothermal vent taxa with symbiont-specific polymerase chain reaction amplification and in situ hybridization techniques, Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, vol. 2, pp. 51–62, 1993.
J. J. Childress, Lee, R., Sanders, N. K., Felbeck, H., Oros, D., Toulmond, A., Desbruyeres, D., Brooks, J., and II, K. M. C., Inorganic carbon uptake in hydrothermal vent tubeworms facilitated by high environmental pCO2, Nature, vol. 362, pp. 147–149, 1993.
J. Illman, Milburn, H., and Macdonald, R., An integrated system for navigation and positioning of an ROV for scientific exploration, in Oceans '93: Engineering in harmony with the ocean: Proceedings, vol. 2, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1993, pp. II499–II503.
