Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
J. R. Voight, Observations of deep-sea octopodid behavior from undersea vehicles. For the Symposium 'Cephalopods: A behavioral perspective' volume, American Malacological Bulletin, vol. 24, pp. 43–50, 2008.
J. G. Bellingham, Platforms: autonomous underwater vehicles, in Encyclopedia of ocean sciences, vol. 6, J. H. Steele, Ed. San DIego, CA: Academic Press, 2008.
P. A. Tyler, Pendlebury, S., Mills, S. W., Mullineaux, L. S., Eckelbarger, K. J., Baker, M., and Young, C. M., Reproduction of gastropods from vents on the East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 107–118, 2008.
A. J. Fusaro, Spatial and temporal population genetics at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the east Pacific Rise and Galapagos Rift, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2008.
A. Delacour, Fruh-Green, G. L., Frank, M., Gutjahr, M., and Kelley, D. S., Sr- and Nd-isotope geochemistry of the Atlantis Massif (30 degress N, MAR): Implications for fluid fluxes and lithospheric heterogeneity, Chemical Geology, 2008.
G. Proskurowski, Lilley, M. D., and Olson, E. J., Stable isotopic evidence in support of active microbial methane cycling in low-temperature diffuse flow vents at 9 degrees 50'N East Pacific Rise, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 72, pp. 2005–2023, 2008.
A. Delacour, Fruh-Green, G. L., Bernasconi, S. M., and Kelley, D. S., Sulfur in peridotites and gabbros at Lost City (30 degrees N, MAR): Implications for hydrothermal alteration and microbial activity during serpentinization, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 72, pp. 5090–5110, 2008.
D. K. Adams and Mullineaux, L. S., Supply of gastropod larvae to hydrothermal vents reflects transport from local larval sources, Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 53, pp. 1945–1955, 2008.
T. Komai and Segonzac, M., Taxonomic review of the hydrothermal vent shrimp Genera Rimicaris Williams & Rona and Chorocaris Martin & Hessler (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Alvinocarididae)}, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 21–41, 2008.
J. H. McLean, Three new species of the family Neolepetopsidae (Patellogastropoda) from hydrothermal vents and whale falls in the Northeastern Pacific, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 15–20, 2008.
G. W. Luther, Glazer, B. T., Ma, S., Trouwborst, R. E., Moore, T. S., Metzger, E., Kraiya, C., Waite, T. J., Druschel, G., Sundby, B., Taillefert, M., Nuzzio, D. B., Shank, T. M., Lewis, B. L., and Brendel, P. J., Use of voltammetric solid-state (micro)electrodes for studying biogeochemical processes: Laboratory measurements to real time measurements with an in situ electrochemical analyzer (ISEA), Marine Chemistry, vol. 108, pp. 221–235, 2008.
V. L. Ferrini, Tivey, M. K., Carbotte, S. M., Martinez, F., and Roman, C., Variable morphologic expression of volcanic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes at six hydrothermal vent fields in the Lau back-arc basin, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 9, p. Q07022, 2008.
T. J. Waite, Moore, T. S., Childress, J. J., Hsu-Kim, H., Mullaugh, K. M., Nuzzio, D. B., Paschal, A. N., Tsang, J., Fisher, C. R., and Luther, G. W., Variation in sulfur speciation with shellfish presence at a Lau Basin diffuse flow vent site, Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 27, pp. 163–168, 2008.
S. E. Humphris, Vehicles for deep-sea exploration, in Encyclopedia of ocean sciences, vol. 6, J. H. Steele, Ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2008, pp. 4647–4659.
C. Rathgeber, Lince, M. T., Alric, J., Lang, A. S., Humphrey, E., Blankenship, R. E., Vermeglio, A., Plumley, F. G., Van Dover, C. L., Beatty, J. T., and Yurkov, V., Vertical distribution and characterization of aerobic phototrophic bacteria at the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean, Photosynthesis Research, vol. 97, pp. 235–244, 2008.
H. - H. Chen, Vision-based tracking with projective mapping for parameter identification of remotely operated vehicles, Ocean Engineering, vol. 35, pp. 983–994, 2008.
K. M. Mullaugh, Luther, G. W., Ma, S., Moore, T. S., Yucel, M., Becker, E. L., Podowski, E. L., Fisher, C. R., Trouwborst, R. E., and Pierson, B. K., Voltammetric (micro)electrodes for the in situ study of Fe2+ oxidation kinetics in hot springs and S2O3-2- production at hydrothermal vents, Electroanalysis, vol. 20, pp. 280–290, 2008.
M. O. Garcia, Ito, G., Weis, D., Geist, D. J., Swinnard, L., Bianco, T., Flinders, A., Taylor, B., Appelgate, B., Blay, C., Hanano, D., Silva, I. N., Naumann, T., Maerschalk, C., Harpp, K. S., Christensen, B., Sciaroni, L., Tagami, T., and Yamasaki, S., Widespread secondary volcanism near northern Hawaiian Islands, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 89, pp. 542–543, 2008.
S. G. John, Rouxel, O. J., Craddock, P. R., Engwall, A. M., and Boyle, E. A., Zinc stable isotopes in seafloor hydrothermal vent fluids and chimneys, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 269, pp. 17–28, 2008.
