Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
O. Studies Board, Ed., Ocean research technologies, in Exploration of the Seas: Voyage into the Unknown, Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2003, pp. 97–127.
P. A. Rona, Paleodictyon: A living fossil on the deepsea floor, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 84, p. F828, 2003.
E. R. McMullin, Hourdez, S., Schaeffer, S. W., and Fisher, C. R., Phylogeny and biogeography of deep sea vestimentiferan tubeworms and their bacterial symbionts, Symbiosis, vol. 34, pp. 1–41, 2003.
B. S. Bingham, Precision autonomous underwater navigation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., 2003.
O. Studies Board, Ed., Related facility needs for an ocean observatories network, in Enabling Ocean Research in the 21st Century: Implementation of a Network of Ocean Observatories, Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2003, pp. 138–156.
C. G. Wheat, Jannasch, H. W., Kastner, M., Plant, J. N., and DeCarlo, E. H., Seawater transport and reaction in upper oceanic basaltic basement: Chemical data from continuous monitoring of sealed boreholes in a ridge flank environment, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 216, pp. 549–564, 2003.
L. A. Levin, Ziebis, W., Mendoza, G. F., Growney, V. A., Tryon, M. D., Brown, K. M., Mahn, C., Gieskes, J. M., and Rathburn, A. E., Spatial heterogeneity of macrofauna at northern California methane seeps: Influence of sulfide concentration and fluid flow, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 265, pp. 123–139, 2003.
J. T. P. Copley, Tyler, P. A., Van Dover, C. L., and Philip, S. J., Spatial variation in the reproductive development of Paralvinella palmiformis (Polychaeta: Alvinellidae) from the High Rise vent field (Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge): Relation to a successional mosaic model, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 255, pp. 171–181, 2003.
S. L. Nooner, Sasagawa, G. S., Blackman, D. K., and Zumberge, M. A., Structure of oceanic core complexes: Constraints from seafloor gravity measurements made at the Atlantis Massif, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 30, p. Article no. 1446, 2003.
L. S. Mullineaux, Peterson, C. H., Micheli, F., and Mills, S. W., Successional mechanism varies along a gradient in hydrothermal fluid flux at deep-sea vents, Ecological Monographs, vol. 73, pp. 523–542, 2003.
O. Pizarro and Singh, H., Toward large-area mosaicing for underwater scientific applications, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 651–672, 2003.
P. A. Tyler, German, C. R., Ramirez-Llodra, E., and Van Dover, C. L., Understanding the biogeography of chemosynthetic ecosystems., Oceanologica Acta, vol. 25, pp. 227–241, 2003.
M. - H. Cormier, Ryan, W. B. F., Shah, A. K., Lin, W. A., Bradley, A. M., and Yoerger, D. R., Waxing and waning volcanism along the East Pacific Rise on the millennium time scale, Geology, vol. 31, pp. 633–636, 2003.
S. L. Carney, Peoples, J. R., Fisher, C. R., and Schaeffer, S. W., AFLP analyses of genomic DNA reveal no differentiation between two phenotypes of the vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae, Cahiers de Biologie Marine, vol. 43, pp. 363–366, 2002.
M. J. Pruis and Johnson, H. P., Age dependent porosity of young upper oceanic crust: Insights from seafloor gravity studies of recent volcanic eruptions, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 29, p. 1076, 2002.
S. N. White, Chave, A. D., Reynolds, G. T., and Van Dover, C. L., Ambient light emission from hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 29, p. Article no 1744, 2002.
M. Podar, Mullineaux, L. S., Huang, H. - R., Perlman, P. S., and Sogin, M. L., Bacterial group II introns in a deep sea hydrothermal vent environment., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 68, pp. 6392–6398, 2002.
K. W. W. Sims, Goldstein, S. J., Blichert-Toft, J., Perfit, M. R., Kelemen, P., Fornari, D. J., Michael, P. J., Murrell, M. T., Hart, S. R., DePaolo, D. J., Layne, G. D., Ball, L. A., Jull, M., and Bender, J., Chemical and isotopic constraints on the generation and transport of magma beneath the East Pacific Rise, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 66, pp. 3481–3504, 2002.
M. Fox, Juniper, S. K., and Vali, H., Chemoautotrophy as a possible nutritional source in the hydrothermal vent limpet Lepetodrilus fucensis, Cahiers de Biologie Marine, vol. 43, pp. 371–376, 2002.
C. L. Van Dover, Community structure of mussel beds at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 230, pp. 137–158, 2002.
G. W. Luther, Bono, A., Taillefert, M., and Cary, S. C., A continuous flow electrochemical cell for analysis of chemical species and ions at high pressure: Laboratory, shipboard and hydrothermal vent results., in Environmental electrochemistry: Analyses of trace element biogeochemistry, M. Taillefert, Ed. Washington, D. C.: American Chemical Society, 2002, pp. 54–73.
S. M. White, Haymon, R. M., Fornari, D. J., Macdonald, K. C., and Perfit, M. R., Correlation between volcanic and tectonic segmentation of fast-spreading ridges: Evidence from volcanic structures and lava flow morphology on the East Pacific Rise at 9 degrees -10 degrees N, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107, p. Article no. 2173, 2002.
M. A. Tivey and Johnson, H. P., Crustal magnetization reveals subsurface structure of Juan de Fuca Ridge hydrothermal fields, Geology, vol. 30, pp. 979–982, 2002.
W. W. Chadwick and Stapp, M., A deep-sea observatory experiment using acoustic extensometers:precise horizontal distance measurements across a mid-ocean ridge, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 27, pp. 193–201, 2002.
A. Colaco, Dehairs, F., Desbruyeres, D., Le Bris, N., and Sarradin, P. - M., Delta 13C signature of hydrothermal mussels is related with the end-member fluid concentrations of H2S and CH4 at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent fields, Cahiers de Biologie Marine, vol. 43, pp. 259–262, 2002.
