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R. D. Ballard, The history of Woods Hole's deep submergence program, in 50 years of ocean discovery: National Science Foundation, 1950-2000, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000, pp. 67–84.
P. W. Lipman, Sisson, T. W., Ui, T., and Naka, J., In search of ancestral Kilauea Volcano, Geology, vol. 28, pp. 1079–1082, 2000.
S. N. White, An investigation into the characteristics and sources of light emission at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, Mass. and Woods Hole, Mass., 2000.
S. Juniper, Garrett, K., Shepherd, J. F., Tamburri, K., and Wallace, K., IRL: an interactive real-time logging system for ROVs, in Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE: where marine science and technology meet, vol. 1, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 2000, pp. 465–473.
K. Hissman, Lanice arakani, a new species of the family Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Sedentaria) from seamounts of the West Mariana Ridge, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 80, pp. 249–257, 2000.
A. Takeuchi, Okamura, Y., Kato, Y., Ikehara, K., Zhang, J., Satake, K., Nagao, T., Hirano, M., and Watanabe, M., Large earthquakes and bottom disturbances in the Okushiri Ridge along the eastern margin of Japan Sea, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 29–46, 2000.
A. F. Sell, Life in the extreme environment at a hydrothermal vent: Haemoglobin in a deep-sea copepod, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 267, pp. 2323–2326, 2000.
C. K. Paull, Neumann, A. C., Ende, B. A. am, Ussler, W., and Rodriguez, N. M., Lithoherms on the Florida-Hatteras Slope, Marine Geology, vol. 166, pp. 83–101, 2000.
F. Galgani, Leaute, J. P., Moguedet, P., Souplet, A., Verin, Y., Carpentier, A., Goraguer, H., Latrouite, D., Andral, B., Cadiou, Y., Mahe, J. C., Poulard, J. C., and Nerisson, P., Litter on the sea floor along European coasts, Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 40, pp. 516–527, 2000.
E. R. McMullin, Bergquist, D. C., and Fisher, C. R., Metazoans in Extreme Environments: Adaptations of Hydrothermal Vent and Hydrocarbon Seep Fauna, Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, vol. 13, pp. 13–23, 2000.
G. Aloisi, Pierre, C., Rouchy, J. M., Foucher, J. P., and Woodside, J., Methane-related authigenic carbonates of eastern Mediterranean Sea mud volcanoes and their possible relation to gas hydrate destabilisation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 184, pp. 321–338, 2000.
H. Singh, Whitcomb, L., Yoerger, D. R., and Pizarro, O., Microbathymetric mapping from underwater vehicles in the deep ocean, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 79, pp. 143–161, 2000.
A. - L. Reysenbach, Banta, A. B., Boone, D. R., Cary, S. C., and Luther, G. W., Microbial essentials at hydrothermal vents, Nature, vol. 404, p. 835, 2000.
P. Aharon and Fu, B., Microbial sulfate reduction rates and sulfur and oxygen isotope fractionations at oil and gas seeps in deepwater Gulf of Mexico, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 64, pp. 233–246, 2000.
F. R. Driscoll, Lueck, R. G., and Nahon, M., The motion of a deep-sea remotely operated vehicle system: part 1: motion observations, Ocean Engineering, vol. 27, pp. 29–56, 2000.
F. R. Driscoll, Lueck, R. G., and Nahon, M., The motion of a deep-sea remotely operated vehicle system: part 2: analytical model, Ocean Engineering, vol. 27, pp. 57–76, 2000.
S. Negahdaripour and Khamene, A., Motion-based compression of underwater video imagery for the operations of unmanned submersible vehicles, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 79, pp. 162–183, 2000.
R. P. Stokey and Austin, T., The NaviComputer: A portable long baseline navigation system designed for interface to an autonomous underwater vehicle, in Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE: where marine science and technology meet, vol. 3, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 2000, pp. 2115–2121.
A. S. Peek, Gaut, B. S., Feldman, R. A., Barry, J. P., Kochevar, R. E., Lutz, R. A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Neutral and nonneutral mitochondrial genetic variation in deep-sea clams from the family Vesicomyidae, Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol. 50, pp. 141–153, 2000.
C. Roman, Pizarro, O., Eustice, R., and Singh, H., New autonomous underwater vehicle for imaging research, in Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE: where marine science and technology meet, vol. 1, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 2000, pp. 153–156.
M. Purcell, von Alt, C., Allen, B., Austin, T., Forrester, N., Goldsborough, R., and Stokey, R., New capabilities of the REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle, in Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE: where marine science and technology meet, vol. 1, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 2000, pp. 147–151.
N. Le Bris, Sarradin, P. - M., Birot, D., and Alayse-Danet, A. M., A new chemical analyzer for in situ measurement of nitrate and total sulfide over hydrothermal vent biological communities, Marine Chemistry, vol. 72, pp. 1–15, 2000.
W. A. Newman and Tavares, M., A new genus and species of barnacle (Cirripedia, Verrucomorpha) associated with vents of the Lau Back-Arc Basin: its gross morphology, inferred first juvenile stage and affinities, Zoosystema, vol. 22, pp. 71–84, 2000.
A. B. Williams, Smith, C. R., and Baco, A. R., New species of the genus Paralomis (Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae) from a sunken whale carcass in the San Clemente Basin off southern California, Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 20, pp. 281–285, 2000.
J. C. Hunt, Lindsay, D. J., Hashimoto, J., Fujikura, K., Fujiwara, Y., Miyake, H., and Tsuchida, S., Observations of the pelagic fauna over the Pac Manus site, in the Manus Basin, Papau New Guinea: preliminary results, JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research, pp. 15–21, 2000.
