Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
R. S. Chandler, DSV Alvin dive log 1964-90. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990, p. var.
M. A. Grosenbaugh, The effect of unsteady motion on the drag forces and flow-induced vibrations of a long vertical tow cable, in Proceedings of the First (1990) European Offshore Mechanics Symposium: Hydrodynamics and Structural Mechanics, Tubular Joints and Fatigue, TLP, Offshore Systems, Pipelines and Risers, Cables and Mooring, Ice-Structure Interactions, J. S. Chung, Ed. Golden, Colo.: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, 1990, pp. 464–473.
D. E. Fisher and Perfit, M. R., Evidence from rare gases for magma-chamber degassing of highly evolved mid-ocean-ridge basalt, Nature, vol. 343, pp. 450–452, 1990.
J. B. Newman, Fiber-optic data network for the Argo/Jason vehicle systems, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 66–71, 1990.
C. G. Wheat, Fluid circulation and diagenesis in an off-axis hydrothermal system: the Mariana Mounds, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., 1990.
B. Carson, Suess, E., and Strasser, J. C., Fluid flow and mass flux determinations at vent sites on the Cascadia margin accretionary prism, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 95, pp. 8891–8897, 1990.
C. S. Martens, Generation of short chain acid anions in hydrothermally altered sediments of the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 71–76, 1990.
A. Carranza-Edwards, Rosales-Hoz, L., Aguayo-Camargo, J. E., Cruz, R. L. - S., and Hornelas-Orozco, Y., Geochemical study of hydrothermal core sediments and rocks from the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 77–82, 1990.
R. W. Embley, Eittreim, S. L., McHugh, C. H., Normark, W. R., Rau, G. H., Hecker, B., DeBevoise, A. E., Greene, H. G., Ryan, W. B. F., Harrold, C., and Baxter, C., Geological setting of chemosynthetic communities in the Monterey Fan Valley system, Deep-Sea Research. Part A, Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 37, pp. 1651–1667, 1990.
C. K. Paull, Freeman-Lynde, R., Bralower, T. J., Garsemal, J. M., Neumann, A. C., D'Argenio, B., and Marsella, E., Geology of the strata exposed on the Florida Escarpment, Marine Geology, vol. 91, pp. 177–194, 1990.
A. N. Shor, Piper, D., Hughes, J., Clarke, J. E., and Mayer, L. A., Giant flute-like scour and other erosional features formed by the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current, Sedimentology, vol. 37, pp. 631–645, 1990.
G. R. McMurray, Gorda Ridge: A seafloor spreading center in the United States' Exclusive Economic Zone: Proceedings of the Gorda Ridge symposium, May 11-13, 1987, Portland, Oregon. New York, N.Y.: Springer-Verlag, 1990, p. 311.
N. T. Ulrich, Kumar, V., Paul, R., and Bajcsy, R., Grasping with mechanical intelligence, in RoManSy 8: Proceedings of the Eight[h] CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators, A. Morecki, Ed. Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw University of Technology Pubs., 1990.
R. W. Embley, Murphy, K. M., and Fox, C. G., High resolution studies of the summit of Axial Volcano, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 95, pp. 12,712–785,812, 1990.
K. A. Kvenvolden, Rapp, J. B., and Hostettler, F. D., Hydrocarbon geochemistry of hydrothermally generated petroleum from Escanaba trough, offshore California U.S.A, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 83–91, 1990.
B. R. T. Simoneit, Brault, M., and Saliot, A., Hydrocarbons associated with hydrothermal minerals, vent waters and talus on the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 115–124, 1990.
D. A. Mindell, Images from the deep: Using a fiber-optic network and oceanographic vehicles, Woods Hole scientists are probing the wonders of the ocean., Byte Magazine, vol. 15, pp. 256–260, 1990.
D. R. Yoerger, Cooke, J. G., and Slotine, J. E., The influence of thruster dynamics on underwater behavior and their incorporation into control system design, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 167–178, 1990.
J. C. Moore, Orange, D., and Kulm, L. V. D., Interrelationship of fluid venting and structural evolution. Alvin observations from the frontal accretionary prism, Oregon, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 95, pp. 8795–8808, 1990.
K. Wishner, Levin, L. A., Gowing, M., and Mullineaux, L., Involvement of the oxygen minimum in benthic zonation of a deep seamount, Nature, vol. 346, pp. 57–59, 1990.
H. W. Jannasch, Isolation of extremely thermophilic, fermentative archaebacteria from deep-sea geothermal sediments, in Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal, D. L. Wise, Ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990, pp. 417–428.
J. B. Newman, Jason computers, sensors and software, vol. 1-90. Woods Hole, Mass.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1990, p. 28.
M. F. Bowen, Jason Med adventure, Oceanus, vol. 33, pp. 61–69, 1990.
J. M. Peter, Simoneit, B. R. T., Kawka, O. E., and Scott, S. D., Liquid hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions in modern hydrothermal chimmeys and mounds from the southern trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 5, pp. 51–63, 1990.
R. D. Ballard and Archbold, R., The Lost Wreck of the Isis. New York: Scholastic, 1990, p. 63.
