Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
C. T. S. Little and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Are hydrothermal vent animals living fossils?, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 18, pp. 582–588, 2003.
C. L. Van Dover, Aharon, P., Bernhard, J. M., Caylor, E., Doerries, M. B., Flickinger, W., Gilhooly, W., Goffredi, S. K., Knick, K. E., Macko, S. A., Rapoport, S., Raulfs, E. C., Ruppel, C., Salerno, J. L., Seitz, R. D., Gupta, B. K. Sen, Shank, T. M., Turnipseed, M., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Blake Ridge methane seeps: Characterization of a soft-sediment, chemosynthetically based ecosystem, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 50, pp. 281–300, 2003.
W. E. Seyfried, Seewald, J. S., Berndt, M. E., Ding, K., and Foustoukos, D., Chemistry of hydrothermal vent fluids from the Main Endeavour Field, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: Geochemical controls in the aftermath of June 1999 seismic events, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, p. Article no. 2429, 2003.
J. A. Karson and Christeson, G. L., Comparison of geologic and seismic structure of uppermost fast-spread oceanic crust: Insights from a crustal cross section at the Hess Deep Rift, in Heterogeneity in the Crust and Upper Mantle: Nature, Scaling, and Seismic Properties, J. A. Goff, Ed. New York, N.Y.: Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2003, pp. 99–129.
L. A. Hurtado, Mateos, M., Lutz, R. A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Coupling of bacterial endosymbiont and host mitochondrial genomes in the hydrothermal vent clam Calyptogena magnifica, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 69, pp. 2058–2064, 2003.
Y. - J. Won, Hallam, S. J., O'Mullan, G. D., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Cytonuclear disequilibrium in a hybrid zone involving deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus, Molecular Ecology, vol. 12, pp. 3185–3190, 2003.
R. A. Lutz, Dawn in the deep, National Geographic Magazine, vol. 203, pp. 92–103, 2003.
E. E. Davis, Wang, K., Becker, K., Thomson, R. E., and Yashayaev, I., Deep-ocean temperature variations and implications for errors in seafloor heat flow determinations, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, p. Article no. 2034, 2003.
A. G. Glover and Smith, C. R., The deep-sea floor ecosystem: Current status and prospects of anthropogenic change by the year 2025, Environmental Conservation, vol. 30, pp. 219–241, 2003.
Y. - J. Won, Young, C. R., Lutz, R. A., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Dispersal barriers and isolation among deep-sea mussel populations (Mytilidae: Bathymodiolus) from eastern Pacific hydrothermal vents, Molecular Ecology, vol. 12, pp. 169–184, 2003.
M. Turnipseed, Knick, K. E., Lipcius, R. N., Dreyer, J., and Van Dover, C. L., Diversity in mussel-beds at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, Ecology Letters, vol. 6, pp. 518–523, 2003.
C. R. Smith and Demopoulos, A. W. J., Ecology of the deep Pacific Ocean floor, in Ecosystems of the deep ocean, P. A. Tyler, Ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003, pp. 179–218.
C. R. Smith, Baco, A. R., Gibson, R. N., and Atkinson, R. J. A., The ecology of whale falls at the deep-sea floor, in Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review, vol. 41, R. N. Gibson, Ed. CRC Press, 2003, pp. 311–354.
Y. - J. Won, Hallam, S. J., O'Mullan, G. D., Pan, I. L., Buck, K. R., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Environmental acquisition of thiotrophic endosymbionts by deep-sea mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 69, pp. 6785–6792, 2003.
A. K. Shah, Cormier, M. - H., Ryan, W. B. F., Jin, W., Carlut, J., Bergmanis, E. C., Bradley, A. M., and Yoerger, D. R., Episodic dike swarms inferred from near-bottom magnetic anomaly maps at the southern East Pacific Rise, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, p. Article no. 2097, 2003.
S. Goto, Kinoshita, M., Schultz, A., and Von Herzen, R. P., Estimate of heat flux and its temporal variation at the TAG hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, p. 2434, 2003.
A. W. J. Demopoulos, Smith, C. R., DeMaster, D. J., and Fornes, W. L., Evaluation of excess 234Th activity in sediments as an indicator of food quality for deep-sea deposit feeders, Journal of Marine Research, vol. 61, pp. 267–284, 2003.
S. K. Goffredi, Hurtado, L. A., Hallam, S. J., and Vrijenhoek, R. C., Evolutionary relationships of deep-sea vent and cold seep clams (Mollusca: Vesicomyidae) of the "pacifica/lepta" species complex, Marine Biology, vol. 142, pp. 311–320, 2003.
K. L. Von Damm, Lilley, M. D., Shanks, W. C., Brockington, M., Bray, A. M., O'Grady, K. M., Olson, E. J., Graham, A., Proskurowski, G., and Party, S. E. P. R. Science, Extraordinary phase separation and segregation in vent fluids from the southern East Pacific Rise, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 206, pp. 365–378, 2003.
M. E. Ward, Jenkins, C. D., and Van Dover, C. L., Functional morphology and feeding strategy of the hydrothermal-vent polychaete Archinome rosacea (Amphinomidae), Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol. 81, pp. 582–590, 2003.
K. S. Harpp, Fornari, D. J., Geist, D. J., and Kurz, M. D., Genovesa Submarine Ridge: A manifestation of plume-ridge interaction in the northern Galápagos Islands, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 4, p. Article no. 8511, 2003.
M. A. Stewart, Klein, E. M., Karson, J. A., and Brophy, J. G., Geochemical relationships between dikes and lavas at the Hess Deep Rift: Implications for magma eruptibility, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 108, p. Art. no. 2184, 2003.
S. R. Veirs, Heat flux and hydrography at a submarine volcano: Observations and models of the Main Endeavour vent field in the northeast Pacific, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., 2003.
A. R. Baco and Smith, C. R., High species richness in deep-sea chemoautotrophic whale skeleton communities, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 260, pp. 109–114, 2003.
M. B. Doerries and Van Dover, C. L., Higher-taxon richness as a surrogate for species richness in chemosynthetic communities, Deep-Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol. 50, pp. 749–755, 2003.
