Export 2610 results:
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
H. Q. Yao, Zhou, H. Y., Peng, X. T., Bao, S. X., Wu, Z. J., Li, J. T., Sun, Z. L., Chen, Z. Q., Li, J. W., and Chen, G. Q., Metal sources of black smoker chimneys, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Pb isotope constraints, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 24, pp. 1971–1977, 2009.
L. J. Abrams, The N456 Navigator system, vol. 2009-01. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2009, p. 52.
A. E. Nevala and Lippsett, L., A new deep-sea robot call Sentry complete first mission, Oceanus, vol. 47, p. 10, 2009.
T. Killeen and Morris, J. D., NSF looks ahead with basic ocean research, Sea Technology, vol. 50, pp. 27–28, 2009.
R. Boswell, Shelander, D., Lee, M., Latham, T., Collett, T., Geurin, G., Moridis, G., Reagan, M., and Goldberg, D., Occurrence of gas hydrate in Oligocene Frio sand: Alaminos Canyon Block 818: northern Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 26, pp. 1499–1512, 2009.
A. Tremblay, Meshi, A., and Bédard, J. H., Oceanic core complexes and ancient oceanic lithosphere: Insights from Iapetan and Tethyan ophiolites (Canada and Albania), Tectonophysics, vol. 473, pp. 36–52, 2009.
P. A. Rona, Seilacher, A., de Vargas, C., Gooday, A. J., Bernhard, J. M., Bowser, S., Vetriani, C., Wirsen, C. O., Mullineaux, L., Sherrell, R., Grassle, J. F., Low, S., and Lutz, R. A., Paleodictyon nodosum: a living fossil on the deep sea floor, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1700–1712, 2009.
C. E. G. LaPointe, A parallel hypothesis method of autonomous underwater vehicle navigation, Massachusetts Institutte of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2009.
S. W. Mills, Beaulieu, S. E., and Mullineaux, L. S., Photographic identification guide to larvae at hydrothermal vents, vol. 2009-05. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2009, p. 104.
A. J. Reed, Dorn, R., Van Dover, C. L., Lutz, R. A., and Vetriani, C., Phylogenetic diversity of methanogenic, sulfate-reducing and methanotrophic prokaryotes from deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1665–1674, 2009.
H. A. Nees, Lutz, R. A., Shank, T. M., and Luther, G. W., Pre- and post-eruption diffuse flow variability among tubeworm habitats at 9 degrees 50′ north on the East Pacific Rise, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1607–1615, 2009.
P. A. Tyler, Marsh, L., Baco-Taylor, A., and Smith, C. R., Protandric hermaphroditism in the whale-fall bivalve mollusc Idas washingtonia, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1689–1699, 2009.
H. Ondreas, Cannat, M., Fouquet, Y., Normand, A., Sarradin, P. - M., and Sarrazin, J., Recent volcanic events and the distribution of hydrothermal venting at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 10, p. Q02006, 2009.
B. T. Glazer and Rouxel, O. J., Redox speciation and distribution within diverse iron-dominated microbial habitats at Loihi Seamount, Geomicrobiology Journal, vol. 26, pp. 606–622, 2009.
S. M. White, Mason, J. L., Macdonald, K. C., Perfit, M. R., Wanless, V. D., and Klein, E. M., Significance of widespread low effusion rate eruptions over the past two million years for delivery of magma to the overlapping spreading centers at 9 degrees N East Pacific Rise, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 280, pp. 175–184, 2009.
L. A. Soto, Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of fauna associated to the deep-sea hydrothermal vent system of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1675–1682, 2009.
A. S. Bradley, Fredricks, H., Hinrichs, K. - U., and Summons, R. E., Structural diversity of diether lipids in carbonate chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field, Organic Geochemistry, vol. 40, pp. 1169–1178, 2009.
S. Helmreich, Submarine sounds, Wire, pp. 30–31, 2009.
D. S. Shin, DiDonato, M., Barondeau, D. P., Hura, G. L., Hitomi, C., Berglund, J. A., Getzoff, E. D., Cary, S. C., and Tainer, J. A., Superoxide dismutase from the eukaryotic thermophile Alvinella pompejana: Structures, stability, mechanism, and insights into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Journal of Molecular Biology, vol. 385, pp. 1534–1555, 2009.
V. Tunnicliffe, Davies, K. T. A., Butterfield, D. A., Embley, R. W., Rose, J. M., and Chadwick, W. W., Survival of mussels in extremely acidic waters on a submarine volcano, Nature Geoscience, vol. 2, pp. 344–348, 2009.
J. A. Breier, Rauch, C. G., McCartney, K., Toner, B. M., Fakra, S. C., White, S. N., and German, C. R., A suspended-particle rosette multi-sampler for discrete biogeochemical sampling in low-particle-density waters, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1579–1589, 2009.
T. S. Moore, Shank, T. M., Nuzzio, D. B., and Luther, G. W., Time-series chemical and temperature habitat characterization of diffuse flow hydrothermal sites at 9 degrees 50′N East Pacific Rise, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1616–1621, 2009.
H. F. Jensen, Variable buoyancy system metric, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Cambridge, MA and Woods Hole, MA, 2009.
S. L. Nooner and Chadwick, W. W., Volcanic inflation measured in the caldera of Axial Seamount: Implications for magma supply and future eruptions, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, vol. 10, p. Q02002, 2009.
S. D. Brooke and Young, C. M., Where do the embryos of Riftia pachyptila develop? Pressure tolerances, temperature tolerances, and buoyancy during prolonged embryonic dispersal, Deep-Sea Research. Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, vol. 56, pp. 1599–1606, 2009.
