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H. W. Jannasch, Wirsen, C. O., Molyneaux, S. J., and Langworthy, T. A., Extremely thermophilic fermentative archaebacteria of the genus Desulfurococcus from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 54, pp. 1203–1209, 1988.
H. W. Jannasch, Sulphur emissions and transformations at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, in Evolution of the Global Biogeochemical Sulphur Cycle, P. Brimblecombe, Ed. Chichester, Eng., and New York: Wiley, 1989, pp. 181–189.
H. W. Jannasch, Wirsen, C. O., and Hoaki, T., Isolation and cultivation of heterotrophic hyperthermophiles from deepsea hydrothermal vents, in Archaea: a laboratory manual, F. T. Robb, Ed. Plainview, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1995, pp. 9–13.
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H. W. Jannasch, Chemosynthetic microbial mats of deep sea hydrothermal vents, in Microbial Mats, Stromatolites: Based on the Proceedings of the Integrated Approach to the Study of Microbial Mats, July 26-31, 1982, Sponsored by Microbial Ecology and Marine Ecology Courses, and the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods, Y. Cohen, Ed. New York, N.Y.: A.R. Liss, 1984, pp. 121–131.
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A. Jacobson, Plouviez, S., Thaler, A. D., and Van Dover, C. L., Characterization of 9 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Lamellibrachia sp 2, a tubeworm found at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, Conservation Genetics Resources, vol. 5, pp. 1005–1007, 2013.
A. Jacobson, Plouviez, S., Thaler, A. D., and Van Dover, C. L., Characterization of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Rimicaris hybisae, a shrimp from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, Conservation Genetics Resources, vol. 5, pp. 449–451, 2013.
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