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L. L. Whitcomb and Yoerger, D. R., A new distributed real-time control system for the Jason underwater robot, in IROS '93: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Intelligent Robots for Flexibility, vol. 1, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1993, pp. 368–374.
D. A. Mindell, Yoerger, D. R., Freitag, L. E., Whitcomb, L. L., and Eastwood, R. L., Jason talk: a standard ROV vehicle control system, in Oceans '93: Engineering in harmony with the ocean: Proceedings, vol. 3, New York, N.Y.: IEEE, 1993, pp. III253–III258.
M. F. Bowen, Bernard, P. J., Gleason, D. E., and Whitcomb, L. L., Elevators – autonomous transporters for deepsea benthic sample recovery, in Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE: where marine science and technology meet, vol. 1, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE, 2000, pp. 343–348.
L. L. Whitcomb and Yoerger, D. R., Comparative experiments in the dynamics and model-based control of marine thrusters, in Oceans '95 : "Challenges of our changing global environment" : conference proceedings, October 9-12, 1995, San Diego, California, vol. 2, San Diego, Calif.: Oceans '95 MTS/IEEE Conference Committee, 1995, pp. 1019–1028.